Cohen's 10-week course on poverty and development now available on YouTube
Full video of the course on poverty and development that Program on Global Justice Director Joshua Cohen moderated from September to November 2007 is now available online at
The 10-week course, which focused on understanding poverty and development at the global, national, local, and personal levels, was the first of three courses on's main areas of philanthropic activity--Global Development, Global Health, and Climate Change.
The course on global poverty and development met once a week from Sep. 12 to Nov. 14, 2007 at Google headquarters. Each two-hour session featured guest speakers on development-related issues such as education and health, equitable financial markets, globalization, and population mobility. On Oct. 3, Rosamond L. Naylor, director of the Center on Food Security and the Environment (FSE) at FSI Stanford, co-taught a session on productive agriculture for the 21st century with Frank Rijsberman, director of water and climate adaptation issues. is the philanthropic arm of Google and the umbrella for its commitment to devote employee time and one percent of Google's profits and equity toward philanthropy.
Course videos