Serage Amatory
News Type

The Program on Arab Reform and Democracy (ARD) at CDDRL is pleased to announce the release of the second edition of Mofeed Digest (January-March 2022), a periodic recap of the most important scholarly and policy publications, reports, and articles investigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the politics, economies, and societies of the Arab world. 

Mofeed Digest is a feature of the Mofeed Project, an initiative that builds foundational resources for understanding how the politics and societies of the Arab world have adapted in light of the pandemic. The Mofeed Project is supported in part by the Open Society Foundation.

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Mofeed Digest (January – March 2022)

The following digest summarizes the most important scholarly and policy publications, reports, and articles covering the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the politics, economies, and societies of the Arab world. Mofeed Digest is produced by Mofeed Project Coordinator Serage Amatory.

[MENA | Algeria | Bahrain | ComorosDjibouti | EgyptIraq| Jordan| KuwaitLebanon| LibyaMauritania| Morocco| OmanPalestine| Qatar| Saudi ArabiaSomalia| Sudan| SyriaTunisia| UAE| Yemen]



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Exploration of Early COVID-19 Pandemic Health Care and Public Health Responses in Select Middle East Nations
Rand Corporation, Date Unspecified
This report analyzes the results of a quick turn study evaluating the anti-COVID-19 strategies adopted by Middle Eastern governments, including Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Qatar, and Tunisia.

Impact of COVID-19 on Women in Iraq and Yemen
UN ESCWA, Date Unspecified
Published and compiled by UN ESCWA, these studies assess the impact of COVID-19 on the economic, social, and political participation of women in Iraq and Yemen.

In the MENA Region, Building Back Does Not Need to Cost Much
World Bank, 18 January 2022
This blog-post examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on earnings, poverty, and inequality in the MENA region. It builds on several WB reports, most notably “Distributional Impacts of COVID-19 in the Middle East and North Africa Region” (available in ARABIC).

What Arabs Think About Education During The COVID-19 Pandemic
Arab Barometer, 21 January 2022
This Arab Barometer article summarizes MENA citizens’ attitudes toward education in their countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. This data was collected through surveys held in seven Arab countries during the pandemic.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Gender Equality and Food Security in the Arab Region with a Focus on the Sudan and Iraq
Care Evaluations, 7 February 2022
This analysis explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on gender equality and food security in the Arab region with a focus on findings from Iraq and Sudan. It is the product of joint collaboration between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Food Programme (WFP) and CARE International (CARE). 

Assessing Vaccine Hesitancy in Arab Countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region: A Scoping Review Protocol 
BMJ Open, 11 February 2022
This article reviews the determinants of vaccine hesitancy in the MENA region, highlighting the importance of geographic, cultural and religious factors.

Egypt and Tunisia Get Covid-19 Vaccine-Making Know-How
The National News18 February 2022
The World Health Organization announced Egypt, Tunisia, and four other African states as participants in a program poised to provide countries with training and gear required to produce mRNA vaccines. 

Impact of COVID-19 on Mental Health and Quality of Life: Is There Any Effect? A Cross-Sectional Study of the MENA Region
PLoS ONE, 1 March 2022
This study assesses the effect of the pandemic on mental health and quality of life in the MENA region, based on an online survey covering 6,142 adults from eighteen different countries.

Tracing Cultural Relations Through The COVID-19 Crisis
Arab Media & Society, 1 March 2022
This article reviews cultural relations trends during the COVID-19 crisis in the MENA region.

UNHCR MENA COVID-19 Response Factsheet (January 2022)
Relief Web, 10 March 2022
This article reviews the pandemic in the MENA region from the lens of IDPs, refugees, asylum seekers, and stateless persons. It shows that nineteen MENA countries have included refugees in their local vaccination programs.

Introduction to COVID-19 MELG Special Issue
Middle East Law and Governance Journal, 30 March 2022
The Middle East Law and Governance Journal launched a special edition titled “MENA and COVID19: State and Societal Responses.” This introductory article  summarizes the content of the special issue, which addresses how various political actors appropriated pandemic responses to reassert their power.

Dyadic Analysis of Fragile Middle Eastern States and Humanitarian Implications of Restrictive covid-19 Policies
Middle East Law and Governance Journal, 30 March 2022 
This article compares the policies implemented by various Middle Eastern countries to contain the spread of the coronavirus.  Authors found that fragile states tended to be characterized by a higher proportion of restrictive policies, lower government stringency, and lower compliance. The results identify sectors that would benefit most from humanitarian aid and raise the issue of whether restrictions are disproportionately implemented due to covert political agendas or lack of political and economic power.

Defiant Worship: Religious Liberty Talk and Rights in COVID-19 Pandemic Times
Journal of Church & State, 31 March 2022
This assesses religious liberty claims during the COVID-19 pandemic times. Specifically, the authors draw on interactive social media content collected from Facebook and Twitter during the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic in order to examine responses to the public health measures that restricted indoor forms of religious assembly. 


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COVID-19 and Algeria’s Labor Movement
The Project on Middle East Political Science, Date Unspecified 
This article discusses the effects of COVID-19 on labor mobilization in Algeria through displaying the challenges that COVID-19 restrictions have created. The article is part POMEPS Studies #45 entitled, “Labor and Politics in the Middle East and North Africa.”

The Natural Resource Curse Unmasked: The Economy and Trade Finance in Algeria in the Shadow of COVID-19
UN ESCWA, February 2022
According to this ESCWA working paper, Algeria’s reliance on oil and gas exports  is limiting the country’s economic growth, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The economy is in serious need of more diversification away from the oil sector

Spatial Diffusion of COVID-19 in Algeria during the Third Wave
GeoJournal, 3 March 2022
This article analyzes the spatiotemporal variations of reported coronavirus and death cases in Algeria to identify the differential geographic impact of the third wave of the virus.

Diversity Impact on Vaccine Equity in Algeria
Minority Rights Group, 4 March 2022
This report analyzes social media discourse around COVID-19 vaccination in Algeria, including knowledge of, access to, and confidence in the vaccine among the population with a special emphasis on the Amazigh community. 



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Does Influenza Vaccination Help Reduce Incidence of COVID-19 Infection Among Hospital Employees?
Medicine (Baltimore), 14 January 2022 
This study investigates the effect of influenza vaccination on the incidence and severity of COVID-19 among members of staff working in the Bahrain Defense Force Hospital.

COVID-19 Recovery Patterns Across Alpha (B.1.1.7) and Delta (B.1.617.2) Variants of SARS-CoV-2
Frontiers in Immunology, 14 February 2022
This research studies the length of stay of alpha and delta variants of COVID-19 in both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals. The study covered patients admitted to COVID-19 treatment facilities under the Bahrain Ministry of Health between 1 January 2021 and 30 May 2021.

Bahrain Approves Valneva’s COVID-19 Vaccine for Emergency Use
Alarabiya News, 1 March 2022
France's Valneva vaccine has been granted emergency use authorization in Bahrain. 



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The Impact of Covid-19 on Household Welfare in the Comoros
World Bank, March 2022
This World Bank working paper shows the impact of COVID-19 lockdown measures on the Comoros’s household welfare, poverty and labor market outcomes. 



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Djibouti Shows Signs of Recovery but Challenges Remain
The World Bank, 7 March 2022
This World Bank blog-post builds on a WB Report titled “Navigating Through the Pandemic and Regional Tensions,” which provides an update on the country’s recent economic developments and its macroeconomic outlook.



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Egypt: The Resilience of the Egypt Economy in the face of COVID-19 Shocks and High Commodity Prices
Frontiers in Public Health, 17 January 2022
This article analyzes the dynamics of the utilization of healthcare services in Egypt. Teaching hospitals have demonstrated preparedness for the COVID-19 pandemic by maintaining an inpatient bed occupancy rate of 70% or less and ventilator utilization at <40% of confirmed cases. However, the ICU bed occupancy rate was more than 90% indicating a shortage of resources. In addition, there is variance across hospitals regarding caseload for resource reallocation decisions.

COVID-19 Related States’ Obligations under International Human Rights Law: An Assessment of Egypt’s COVID-19 Response through a Gender Lens
Australian Journal of Human Rights, 20 January 2022
This article assesses Egypt's Covid-19 response to the international obligation to adopt restrictive and mitigation measures aiming to limit the spread of COVID-19, while limiting disproportionate effects on women's health, exposure to domestic violence, and girls’ education rates.

Egypt Approves Merck COVID-19 Pill, Says to Be Produced Locally
Arab News, 24 January 2022
Egyptian authorities have approved Merck & Co's COVID-19 pill Molnupiravir for emergency use. The drug will be produced locally by five Egyptian companies. 

World Bank’s Covid-19 Emergency Response in Egypt
Arab Watch Coalition, 1 February 2022
This report reviews the implementation of two World Bank programs, namely “Transforming Egypt's Healthcare System” and “Covid 19 Emergency Response.”

Scaling up Egyptian Community Action for Health towards COVID-19 (Multicenter Study)
The Egyptian Journal of Community Medicine, 5 February 2022
This study examines Egyptian citizens’ behavioral changes in response to COVID-19 and evaluates their perceptions of the government’s handling of the pandemic. 

Adherence to COVID-19 Preventive Measures Among Male Medical Students, Egypt
Journal of the Egyptian Public Health Association, 17 February 2022
This is a study identifying the adherence to Covid-19 preventive measures among 537 male medical students of Al-Azhar University in Cairo. The prevalence of adherence to COVID-19 preventive measures among studied students was 28.1%. Wearing a face mask outside the house was practiced by 58% of students, avoiding hugging or kissing others by 41.3%, and keeping a distance from others by 20.7%.

Egypt: The Resilience of the Egypt Economy in the face of COVID-19 Shocks and High Commodity Prices
Foreign Agricultural Service, U.S Department of Agriculture, 24 February 2022
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic and the rise in commodity prices globally, Egypt succeeded in maintaining inflation rates within the Central Bank of Egypt’s (CBE’s) target range at a time when many countries of the world are witnessing a wave of high inflation.

Egyptian Consumers Are Becoming More Digital as COVID-19 Accelerates Digital Transformation
PwC Middle East, 15 March 2022
A survey results from Egypt showed that 72% of respondents had become 
“more digital’ over the span of the last 6 months, especially with mobile shopping. 

Domestic Violence Against Married Women during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Egypt
BMC Women's Health, 27 March 2022
A cross-sectional study examined the effect of the pandemic on violence against married women in Egypt, and its effect on mental health. It shows that the overall prevalence of economic and some types of physical and emotionally abusive behaviors have been increased after the emergence of COVID-19 pandemic.



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Comparing COVID-19 Control Model Between Iraq and Iran
UKH Journal of Social Sciences, 1 January 2022
This article analyzes the response strategies utilized by Iraq and Iran, with comparison of the impacts and outcomes of each strategy used for controlling the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The results show that travel ban, restrictive containment, and support from the international community in controlling the spread of the virus had a more positive impact in Iraq compared to Iran.

Pediatric COVID-19 Infection in Sulaymaniyah Governorate, Iraq
American Journal of Otolaryngology, January-February 2022
This study assesses the demographic and clinical presentations and symptoms of COVID-19 and its variants.  

COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance, Hesitancy and Refusal Among Iraqi Kurdish Population
International Journal of Health Sciences, January-February 2022
Based on a cross-sectional online survey conducted between April and May this study analyzes the determinants of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and hesitancy in Kurdistan, Iraq. 

Child Protection and COVID-19: Iraq Case Study
World Vision, 16 February 2022
This World Vision publication summarizes the measures taken by the organization’s staff in Iraq to ensure child protection systems in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes the establishment of child protection committees and raising awareness among parents. 

Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Towards COVID-19 Among Healthcare Workers in Iraq
Journal of Ideas in Health, 21 March 2022
This article reports the findings from an online cross-sectional study held in Iraq’s Anbar province in October 2020. The article examines and assesses the knowledge, attitude, and practice towards COVID-19 pandemic among healthcare workers.


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The Threat of the COVID-19 Pandemic to Human Rights: Jordan as a Model
Journal of Human Rights and Social Studies, 17 January 2022
This article studies the impact of the pandemic on human rights in Jordan. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the country suffered from weakness in its labor market, lack of public safety tools, and other social impacts on human rights and freedom of media and expression. 

Physicians’ Health-Related Quality of Life and Its Associated Factors During COVID-19 Pandemic in Jordan: A Cross-Sectional Study
Evaluations and the Health Professions Journal, 18 January 2022
This study investigates the health and occupational determinants of health-related quality of life levels among Jordanian physicians during COVID-19 pandemic. 

Women’s Labor Force Participation and COVID-19 in Jordan
Middle East Institute, 1 February 2022
This article showcases the inequitable participation of women in the labor force in Jordan during the COVID-19 pandemic. Jordan has the lowest rate of women’s economic participation of any country not at war. According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), the kingdom’s female labor force participation rate is below 15%, while that of men is about 60%

Compounding Inequalities: Adolescent Psychosocial Wellbeing and Resilience Among Refugee and Host Communities in Jordan during the COVID-19 Pandemic
PLoS One, 2 February 2022
This article sheds light on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on displaced populations and refugees. 

Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Healthcare Workers in Jordan towards the COVID-19 Vaccination
Vaccines Journal, 9 February 2022
This article studies the knowledge and perception of Jordan’s healthcare workers of the COVID-19 vaccine. Findings show that physicians were more likely to take the vaccine due to their higher knowledge of its components, side effects, and other aspects. 

Predictors of Social Response to COVID-19 Among Health Care Workers Caring for Individuals with Confirmed COVID-19 in Jordan
F1000 Research, 14 March 2022
This article analyzes the perception of social discrimination and coping strategies among healthcare workers caring for individuals suffering from COVID-19 in Jordan. 

Impact of Coronavirus 19 Pandemic on Contraception in Jordan
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 15 March 2022
This cross sectional study examines t the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on family planning in Jordan. 

Stigma toward Healthcare Providers from Patients during COVID-19 Era in Jordan
Public Health Nursing, 25 March 2022
This study explores health care workers’ stigmatization from patients during the pandemic's outbreak in Jordan. Results showed that a wide group of people show high stigma towards health care providers, in correlation with various factors, including constant exposure to news, having children, and smoking.



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Using a Stochastic Continuous-Time Markov Chain Model to Examine Alternative Timing and Duration of the COVID-19 Lockdown in Kuwait: What Can Be Done Now?
Archives of Public Health, 8 January 2022
This article studies the optimal timing and duration of a full lockdown in Kuwait that would result in controlling new infections and lead to a substantial reduction in case hospitalizations. The model shows that a 90-day lockdown that commences 10 days before the epidemic peak is optimal. A more realistic duration of 45 days can achieve about a 45% reduction in both new infections and case hospitalizations.

Risk Factors for Mortality in Patients with COVID-19: The Kuwait Experience
Medical Principles and Practices, 26 January 2022
This article studies the baseline characteristics and evaluates the risk factors for in-hospital mortality in patients admitted to hospitals with COVID-19 in Kuwait.

COVID-19 (2020) Impact on Air Quality of the State of Kuwait
Preprints, 18 February 2022
This article investigates the impact of COVID-19 on seven air pollutants from the period January 2020 to December 2020 in the State of Kuwait. Authors found that concentrations for the pollutants decreased during the pandemic due to the decrease of anthropogenic sources including such as traffic and petroleum activities, but the concentration for PM2.5 increased, mostly because of the transported dust coming with the northwest winds prevailing in Kuwait from the Arabian deserts and Iraq.

COVID-19 and Threats to Irregular Migrants in Kuwait and the Gulf
International Migration, 28 February 2022
This article investigates lived experiences of 26 irregular migrants residing in Kuwait when the pandemic occurred. It finds that network support continued to provide an essential element in enabling migrants’ survival. Intermediaries such as kafeels (sponsors) were often unavailable or unwilling to provide assistance. Authors conclude that the health and welfare of irregular migrants require special policy attention since they now face an enhanced risk of being apprehended and deported.



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The Impact of Lockdown and Other Stressors during the COVID-19 Pandemic on Depression and Anxiety in a Lebanese Opportunistic Sample: An Online Cross-Sectional Survey
Current Psychology, 5 January 2022
This article evaluates the psychological impact of the lockdown in Lebanon. A cross-sectional, online survey was conducted during the lockdown period in order to punctually assess depression, anxiety symptoms as well as eating and substance use disorders while identifying factors that might affect those outcomes.

Assessment of COVID-19 Vaccines Acceptance in the Lebanese Population: A National Cross-Sectional Study
Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice, 11 January 2022
This article assesses COVID-19 vaccines’ acceptance and its related determinants in the Lebanese population. Around 63.4% if respondents have reported their acceptance for receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Analysis showed that a higher knowledge scale, living in an urban residential area, having hypertension, not having a food allergy, reporting a higher fear to experience COVID-19 infection, and receiving or wanting to receive influenza vaccine, were positive predictors of COVID-19 vaccines acceptance.

Epidemics and Local Governments in Struggling Nations: COVID-19 in Lebanon
PLoS ONE, 27 January 2022
This article documents the range of preparedness/reactivity of Lebanon’s municipalities as COVID-19 swept through the country. It explores municipal response to control the epidemic, using in-depth semi-structured interviews with stakeholders across all governorates in Lebanon.

Covid-19 in Outpatient and Inpatient Asthmatics in Lebanon: Real-Life Experience
The Journal of Allergy And Clinical Immunology, 1 February 2022
This article finds an asthma point prevalence of 6.41% among Lebanese patients hospitalized for COVID-19 infection. Preliminary results showed a mild to moderate outcome in most COVID-19 asthmatic outpatients followed in a specialty clinic, with complications not greater than the normal population.

COVID-19 Contact Tracing during First Delta Wave, Lebanon, 2021
MedRxiv, February 2022
Theis article describes the close tracing approach and profile of close contacts identified during the first delta wave. It highlights a need to adapt the quarantine measures to close contacts based on their profile, and to ensure easy access to free testing.

Hesitancy to COVID-19 Vaccines among University Students in Lebanon
International Journal of Infectious Diseases, March 2022
This article assesses the readiness and behavioral intentions of students enrolled at the American University of Beirut (AUB) to obtain the COVID-19 vaccine. Results showed a low hesitancy rate among students enrolled at AUB.

Learning & E-Learning Loss: Syrian Children Refugees Between The Brusqueness Of Covid -19 And The Slackness Of Lebanese Authorities
Human Rights Pulse, 1 March 2022
The initial educational crisis facing refugees was exacerbated by the economic free fall of Lebanon, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the learning and e-learning obstacles caused by the discriminatory laws of the Lebanese authorities. This article endeavors to identify the dominant causes of learning loss in this case, the positive aspects of e-learning as well as the obstacles, and to analyze the result of the Lebanese authority’s disregard vis-à-vis the Syrian students.

The Politics of COVID-19 Vaccine Equity among Refugee Populations in Lebanon
Journal of Global Health Economics and Policy, 4 March 2022
This article explores Lebanon’s COVID-19 responses, as vaccine equity in the country.



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The Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Their Families in Tripoli, Libya
IberoAmerican Journal of Medicine, 2 February 2022
This article investigates the impact of COVID-19 lockdown on children with ASD and their families in Tripoli, Libya.

Evaluate the Extent of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) Of Protection and Prevention of COVID-19 in Libya: A Nationwide Online Cross-Sectional Survey
Healthcare Review, 5 February 2022
This article evaluates the extent of knowledge, attitudes, and practices towards protection and preventive measures of the COVID-19 outbreak in Libya. 



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Mauritania: Fighting the Pandemic One Jab at a Time
World Bank, 21 January 2022
This World Bank feature acknowledges that Mauritania has been one of the leading countries in Africa in championing COVID-19 vaccination with more than 40% of the adult population being fully vaccinated. It also lists the key drivers for the success of Mauritania’s vaccine roll-out.



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The Unexpected Transition to Distance Learning at Moroccan Universities amid COVID-19: A Qualitative Study on Faculty Experience
Social Sciences and Humanities Open, Date Unspecified
This study examines the faculty experience of online distance learning/teaching amid the COVID-19 pandemic in Morocco.

Are Moroccan Free School Support Websites Effective for Learners During the Covid-19 Pandemic?: A Study Based on an Evaluation Grid
International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education, Date Unspecified 
This article assesses some Moroccan free school support websites and their effectiveness for learning. 

Machine Learning Approaches in Covid-19 Severity Risk Prediction in Morocco
Journal Of Big Data, 6 January 2022
This study aims to estimate COVID-19 illness severity based on data rom Morocco. This Machine Learning approach will help determine which cases should have the priority in receiving medical care and hospital admission. 

Forecasting Covid-19 Transmission with ARIMA and LSTM Techniques in Morocco
SN Computer Science Journal, 14 January 2022
This article predicts the outbreak of COVID-19 in Morocco based on Regressive Integrated Moving Average(ARIMA) and Long short-term memory(LSTM) models. 

Distance Learning Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: Moroccan University Students’ Perceptions
The Teacher Educator, 1 February 2022
This article sheds light on the online-learning experience of 113 Moroccan students in an English department amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mental Health Profiles in a Sample of Moroccan High School Students: Comparison Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic 
Frontiers in Psychiatry, 21 February 2022
This study assesses the impact of COVID-related restrictive measures on the mental health of Moroccan youth. 

MSME Resilience in Morocco in the Face of COVID-19
Relief web, 30 March 2022
This repost analyzes the risks faced by Moroccan enterprises of micro, small and medium sizes in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.



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Corporate social responsibility budgeting and spending during COVID-19 in Credibility in Risk Communication: Oman’s Official Arabic COVID-19 Risk Communication and Its English Translation
Finance Research Letters, 11 January 2022 
COVID-19 is causing economic panic among people, governments, and businesses, requiring greater corporate social responsibility (CSR). Using a sample of Omani-listed firms, this article shows that CSR budgeting and spending have increased considerably during the pandemic. It also shows that CSR budgeting is positively affected by the increase in COVID-19 deaths. CSR spending increases with the number of COVID-19 confirmed and fatal cases. These findings suggest that firms resort to CSR to reduce the negative consequences of the pandemic.

Observations on Food Consumption Behaviors During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Oman
Frontiers in Public Health, 25 January 2022
This article studies the perceptions of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on behaviors related to diet and food shopping on a sample of 356 adults in Oman.



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Forgotten Behind Bars: COVID-19 and Palestinian Prisoners Detained in Israel
Health and Human Rights Journal, 2 February 2022
This article reviews Israeli policies toward Palestinian detainees amid the COVID-19 pandemic. It argues that Israel has done little to protect the approximately 4,500 Palestinian detainees and prisoners held in Israeli facilities, including 700 detainees with pre-existing medical conditions.

Impact of COVID-19 on the Contracting & Engineering Companies in Gaza Strip
Open Journal of Civil Engineering, March 2022
This study assesses the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on construction and engineering companies in Gaza. 

Public knowledge, Attitude, and Acceptance toward COVID-19 Vaccines in Palestine: A Cross-Sectional Study
BMC Public Health, 17 March 2022
Based on cross-sectional study held across Palestinian regions, this article identifies Palestinians’ knowledge of and attitudes towards the COVID-19 vaccine. 

Unwillingness or Reluctance of Palestinians to Get the COVID-19 Vaccine: The Reasons Behind It and How to Persuade Them
International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 25 March 2022
This article analyzes the factors behind low COVID-19 vaccine acceptance among Palestinians, attributing it to false rumors, misinformation, and conspiracy theories circulated on social media.



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The Impact of Changes in Work Arrangements During COVID-19 Pandemic on the Lifestyle of Qatar's Working Population
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, February 2022
This article uses a web-based survey to explore the impact of changing work arrangements in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic on diet, physical activity, body weight, and sleep of Qatar's working population. 

Epidemiological and Outcome Analysis of COVID-19-Associated Pneumothorax: Multicentre Retrospective Critical Care Experience from Qatar
BMJ Open, 21 February 2022
This article assesses the characteristics, treatment, associated risk factors and outcome of COVID-19-associated pneumothorax in intensive care units (ICU) in Qatar. 

Post-COVID-19 Stroke Rehabilitation in Qatar: A Retrospective, Observational Pilot Study
Qatar Medical Journal, 28 February 2022
This article analyzes the relation between COVID-19 and strokes in Qatar to understand the possible predictors of functional gain. It explores the functional gain in post-COVID-19 patients with stroke following active rehabilitation services in Qatar to understand the possible predictors of functional gain. Findings suggest that active rehabilitation services and immediate intervention will be required to rehabilitate post-COVID-19 patients with stroke, a vulnerable population, to achieve adequate functional improvement.


Saudi Arabia

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Post-Acute COVID-19 Condition in Saudi Arabia: A National Representative Study
Journal of Infection and Public Health, May 2022
This article characterizes the symptoms that appear after severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection has been eradicated and to determine their relationship with COVID-19 severity. The loss of smell, the loss of taste, shortness of breath, and fatigue were the main persistent symptoms.

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Psychological Health of a Sample of the Health Care Workers in the Western Region of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Middle East Current Psychology, 19 January 2022
This article evaluates the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the psychological health of health care workers in Saudi Arabia.

Adverse Drug Reactions from Two COVID-19 Vaccines Reported in Saudi Arabia
Drugs and Therapy Perspectives, 22 January 2022
This article reveals the nature and classification of reported adverse drug reactions of the two COVID-19 vaccines (tozinameran and ChAdOx1) among citizens and residents living in Saudi Arabia. It shows possible differences between the two vaccines. The study found that the frequencies of most listed ADRs were statistically different when seven batches of tozinameran vaccine were compared.

COVID-19 in Saudi Arabia: An Overview
Frontiers in Public Health, 2 February 2022
This analysis of COVID-19 cases in Saudi Arabia attempts to assess the situation, explore its global percentage share, percentage of population affected, and local distribution from the beginning of infection until recently, tracing historical developments and changes.

The Prevalence of Depression and Related Factors During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among the General Population of the Jazan Region of Saudi Arabia
Cureus, 6 February 2022
This article investigates the rates of depression associated with the COVID-19 pandemic along with mitigation measures such as lockdown in the population of the Jazan region in Saudi Arabia. It assesses the psychological impacts of the pandemic on this culturally unique region to see if it affected as many as other reported places in the world.

COVID-19 Cases and Deaths After Implementation of Prevention Strategies, Saudi Arabia
Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 27 February 2022
This article studies the incidence of COVID-19 in Saudi Arabia during different phases of prevention strategies and explores their effects on controlling the spread of the disease. It concludes that the health system of Saudi Arabia efficiently used lockdown and curfew periods to prepare for management of confirmed cases of COVID-19, reflected by the decreased incidence and mortality rates in phase 5.

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic Quarantine on Physical, Nutritional, Psychosocial Life and Work Aspects in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, March 2022
This article examines the impact of COVID-19 quarantine on physical, nutritional, psychosocial life, and work aspects on the population of Saudi Arabia. COVID-19 quarantine was negatively correlated with the physical, nutritional, psychosocial life and work aspects of Saudi Arabia’s population. 

Impact of COVID-19 on Mutual Fund Performance in Saudi Arabia
Cogent Economics & Finance, 31 March 2022
This article assesses the performance of actively managed Saudi Arabia mutual funds during the COVID-19 outbreak and investigates the potential impact of COVID-19 growth on the measured performance.



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Survival Analysis of All Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19 Admitted to the Main Hospital in Mogadishu, Somalia, 30 March–12 June 2020: Which Interventions Are Proving Effective in Fragile States?
International Journal of Infectious Diseases, January 2022
Authors conducted a survival analysis for 131 patients with coronavirus disease 2019 in Somalia and examined interventions to improve outcomes in this low-resource and fragile setting. The paper shows that risk factors for deaths included age ≥60 years, cardiovascular disease and use of non-invasive ventilation and that patients who received oxygen alone were more likely to survive than patients who were ventilated.

Child Protection and COVID-19: Somalia Case Study
WorldVision, 16 February 2022
This report from World Vision studies children’s rights and wellbeing in Somalia during the pandemic. It shows how decades of armed conflict, climate-induced disasters, weak protective structures, disease outbreak, and poverty have left children and their families struggling to meet their basic needs and access essential services. The report analyzes the impact of three new shocks from 2020: COVID-19, significant flooding, and the Desert Locust invasion.

Evaluating COVID-19 Decision-Making in a Humanitarian Setting: The Case Study of Somalia
PLOS Global Public Health, 16 March 2022
This article evaluates the process of policy and operational decision-making in relation to the COVID-19 response in Somalia, a chronically fragile country, focusing particularly on the use of information and the role of transparency. 

Monitoring COVID-19 Impact on Households in Somalia
The World Bank, 16 March 2022
The World Bank builds on a 2020 Somali High Frequency Phone Survey and augments it with a new Somali COVID-19 Household Monitoring Dashboard. The dashboard includes four key findings areas: knowledge of COVID-19 and preventive behaviors, access to basic needs, employment and income, and shocks; users can analyze the data across time, gender, and location.



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The Socioeconomic Impacts and Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Omicron Variant: The Case of Sudan
International Journal of Development and Economic Sustainability, 4 January 2022
This article assesses the socio-economic effects and implications of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the Omicron variant in Sudan. The study shows that Sudan's economy was already stressed before the COVID-19 pandemic, due to currency crises, high inflation rates, and the inability of the authorities to provide subsidies. It found that the outbreak of coronavirus and subsequent lockdown in the 1st wave had further worsened the socio-economic situation due to a sharp downfall in productivity, supply, and demand.

Oral Health in Sudan: The Current Situation during COVID-19 Pandemic
Pan-African Medical Journal, 8 February 2022
This article sought to investigate the various challenges involved in the provision, access, and utilization of oral healthcare services in Sudan, as well as to describe the current situation in the context of COVID-19.

COVID-19 Vaccination Acceptance among Healthcare Staff in Sudan, 2021
Journal of Immunology Research, 9 February 2022
This article assesses healthcare staff's knowledge, perception, and acceptability of various types of COVID-19 vaccination. It reveals the presence of good knowledge and acceptability among medical staff towards COVID-19 vaccinations in Sudan.

COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy among Indigenous People in Sudan: An Incipient Crisis
Annals of Medicine & Surgery, 15 February 2022
Despite numerous interventions planned and implemented by the Federal Ministry of Health, with assistance from State Ministries of Health and partners such as UNICEF, the World Health Organization (WHO), and the World Bank, a few localities in Sudan continue to have low vaccine uptake compared to target populations, particularly among the elderly and those with illnesses.

The Distribution and Determinants of COVID-19 in Sudan, 2020/2021: Analysis of Surveillance Data
ResearchSquare, 17 March 2022
This study uses surveillance data to better understand the distribution and determinants of COVID-19 in Sudan and to construct a threshold level beyond which a dramatic surge may occur. 



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From Preparedness to Vaccination : WHO Syria - Special COVID-19 Report
ReliefWeb, 16 January 2022
ReliefWeb reports on the World Health Organization’s work in Syria in this special report. Syria's healthcare sector was already falling apart due to war, where less than 50% of hospitals were fully functioning.  

COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Among People in Syria: An Incipient Crisis
Annals of Medicine and Surgery, 1 February 2022
This study examines reasons behind vaccine hesitation among Syrians. It shows that citizens especially in rural areas are reluctant to receive the vaccine due to countless factors including the vaccine's side effects, the country's conflict, and displacement.  

Mental Health Impacts of Humanitarian Crisis on HCWs in Syria Amidst COVID-19
Medicine, Conflict and Survival, 10 February 2022
This article studies the impact of the humanitarian crisis in Syria as well as the pandemic on healthcare workers’ mental health. With the rise of violence and attacks against HCWs and healthcare facilities in Syria, around 70% of the health workforce have left the country. The estimated number of citizens with mild to moderate mental health disorders has also increased. 

COVID-19 Disease in Syrian Patients With Cancer: Clinical Manifestations, Laboratory Findings, Treatment, and Outcomes
JCO Global Oncology, 1 March 2022
This article aims to examine the clinical manifestations, laboratory findings, recovery, and outcomes of cancer patients with COVID-19 infections in Syria. 

Shattered Lives: Understanding the Mental Health and Psychosocial Needs of Women and Children in Northwest Syria
World Vision International, 28 March 2022
Interviews held by World Vision's Syria Response team with mental health and psycho-social support staff have shown that mental health needs in Syria are intensifying especially among women and children. 

COVID-19 Infected Patients’ Experiences in Syria, and the Role of the Pharmacists during Their Infection
Pharmacy Practice, 29 March 2022
This article assesses the experience and symptoms of COVI-19 patients in Syria, and the means pharmacists used to contribute to their recovery.



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COVID-19 in Tunisia (North Africa): Seroprevalence of SARS-COV-2 in the General Population of the Capital City Tunis
Research Square, 4 February 2022
This cross-sectional survey among households living in two areas of Tunis shows that more than one third of the citizens got antibodies to SARS-COV-2 by the end of the second epidemic wave. 

Molecular Epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 in Tunisia (North Africa) through Several Successive Waves of COVID-19
Vaccines MDPI, 17 March 2022
This study provides genetic information on SARS-COV-2 that has been circulating around Tunisia for over 17 months, causing a significant number of infections and death.



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Prevalence, Knowledge and Potential Determinants of COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptability Among University Students in the United Arab Emirates: Findings and Implications
Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 11 January 2022
This article assesses the prevalence, knowledge, and acceptance of the COVID-19 vaccine among university students in the UAE. 

Global Healthcare Transactions Series: Impact of COVID-19 Healthcare Mergers and Acquisitions in UAE
Morgan Lewis, 2 March 2022
The COVID-19 pandemic created many uncertainties and challenges for investors and operators alike across the Middle East, including in the United Arab Emirates, which is often considered a regional healthcare and business hub. As a result, 2020 saw many transactions in the healthcare sector either abandoned or put on hold, but the region has since demonstrated signs of a strong recovery in the transactional space in general and particularly in the healthcare industry.

Ethnicity-Specific Features of COVID-19 Among Arabs, Africans, South Asians, East Asians, and Caucasians in the United Arab Emirates
Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 16 March 2022
This study used a retrospective chart review of 560 laboratory confirmed COVID-19 patients admitted to urgent care, aiming to stratify the risk factors for the multinational society of the UAE. 

Motivational Factors to Receive the COVID-19 Vaccine in the United Arab Emirates: A Cross-Sectional Study
Journal of Community Health, 24 March 2022
The UAE has witnessed one of the best vaccination campaigns globally. The motivation of residents in UAE to receive the vaccine varied, where most were health related and others non health related. Nationality was also a relevant factor.



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Impact of Falling Remittances Amid COVID-19 on Yemen’s War-Torn Economy
International Food Policy Research Institute, Date Unspecified
Even before the COVID-19 pandemic battered economies across the world, Yemen had already experienced a half decade of civil war, resulting in a loss of approximately 45 percent of its real GDP by the end of 2019, according to the Yemeni Ministry of Planning. As the conflict continued, remittances from Yemenis working outside the country kept many households afloat and became an increasingly important source of income, estimated at $3.77 billion in 2019 — around 13 percent of GDP.

Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Utilization of Health Services at Public Hospitals in Yemen: A Retrospective Comparative Study 
BMJ open, 3 January 2022
This study examines health services in Yemen both before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in public hospitals, aiming to assess the effect of the pandemic on the utilization of health services.

ACAPS Thematic Report: COVID-19: Current Situation and Reasons for Vaccine Hesitancy
Relief Web, 11 January 2022
This article presents data related to COVID-19 infections and explores factors behind vaccine hesitancy. 

Great Disaster: The Impact of COVID-19 on Yemen
Liberty University Journal of Statesmanship and Public Policy, February 2022
This study explains how the civil war in Yemen and the COVID-19 pandemic affect the healthcare sector, as well as the pandemic's effect on the economy.

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The Program on Arab Reform and Democracy (ARD) at CDDRL is pleased to announce the release of the second edition of Mofeed Digest (January-March 2022), a periodic recap of the most important scholarly and policy publications, reports, and articles investigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the politics, economies, and societies of the Arab world.

Serage Amatory
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The Program on Arab Reform and Democracy (ARD) at CDDRL is pleased to announce the launch of Mofeed Digest, a periodic recap of the most important scholarly and policy publications, reports, and articles investigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the politics, economies, and societies of the Arab world. 

Mofeed Digest is a feature of the Mofeed Project, an initiative that builds foundational resources for understanding how the politics and societies of the Arab world have adapted in light of the pandemic. The Mofeed Project is supported in part by the Open Society Foundation.

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Mofeed Digest (October – December 2021)

The following digest summarizes the most important scholarly and policy publications, reports, and articles covering the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the politics, economies, and societies of the Arab world. Mofeed Digest is produced by Mofeed Project Coordinator Serage Amatory.

[MENA | Algeria | Bahrain | ComorosDjibouti | EgyptIraq| Jordan| KuwaitLebanon| LibyaMauritania| Morocco| OmanPalestine| Qatar| Saudi ArabiaSomalia| Sudan| SyriaTunisia| UAE| Yemen]



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MENA Economic Update: Overconfident: How Economic and Health Fault Lines Left the Middle East and North Africa Ill-Prepared to Face COVID
World Bank, October 2021
This World Bank report discusses factors that exacerbated the pandemic’s burden on MENA governments, namely that governments were “ill-prepared” and overestimated their capacities to overcome the pandemic. Authors attribute lack of preparedness to insufficient data and limited fiscal capabilities. Sixteen  MENA countries, the report argues, are projected to have a deterioration in economic status after the pandemic. [Arabic

COVID-19 Response IOM Regional Office for Middle East and North Africa Situation Report 28
International Organization for Migration, October 2021
A report by the United Nation’s International Organization for Migration reflects on and presents the findings of a fifth round of a cross-regional consultation with MENA Civil Society Organizations. The report examines social protections for migrants during and after the pandemic and entry requirements adopted by several MENA countries.

AraCOVID19-SSD: Arabic COVID-19 Sentiment and Sarcasm Detection Dataset 
arXiv Labs, 5 October 2021

This paper presents AraCOVID19-SSD, a dataset for the detection of sarcasm in Arabic tweets about the pandemic. The paper aims to help distinguish between misleading and sarcastic posts, a distinction that is often overlooked by non-Arabic-friendly data analytical systems and classification models. 

Transcript of the October 2021 Annual Meetings-Middle East and Central Asia Department Press Briefing
International Monetary Fund, 19 October 2021
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) released the proceedings of an IMF expert panel assessing the post-pandemic recovery in the countries of the region.

The Political Economy of Reform in Post-COVID MENA
Middle East Institute, 19 October 2021
The Middle East Institute discusses political and economic reforms necessary for post-pandemic recovery in the countries of the region. Social disparities and low productivity, the panel concludes, will continue to challenge such reforms.

Women, Work and COVID-19 in MENA: Towards an Action Agenda           
Wilson Center, 22 October 2021

Building on an International Labor Organization report, this Wilson Center article highlights the pandemic’s impact on working women in the MENA region. In Arab countries, women lost their jobs at a rate of 4.1 percent as a result of the pandemic compared to a 1.8 percent drop in men’s employment.

Majority of MENA Employees Expect Remote Work to Increase Post-COVID-19
Weqaya, 26 October 2021
According to this piece from Weqaya, an official UAE online health platform, the majority of respondents to a survey conducted by a job website ( expected an increase in remote work. Respondents did not look forward to pre-pandemic in-person work settings. 

Who's More Vulnerable? A Generational Investigation of COVID-19 Perceptions' Effect on Organisational Citizenship Behaviours in the MENA Region: Job insecurity, Burnout and Job Satisfaction as Mediators
BMC Public Health, 27 October 2021
This paper links perceptions of the pandemic to OCBs (Organizational Citizenship Behavior). Its findings suggest that burnout, job attitudes, and organizational outcomes change differently across generations in pandemic times.

Ministerial Forum Declaration: The future of Social Protection in the Arab Region
UNICEF, November 2021
This report presents highlights from a “high-level” ministerial forum for Arab ministers responsible for social protections in their respective countries. The forum is coordinated by UNICEF, ILO, and UN-ESCWA.

School Reopening Status, Progress and Challenges
UNICEF, November 2021
This UNICEF report tackles “digital poverty” in the MENA region. It highlights UNICEF’s calls for increased investment in remote learning and digital learning. The report also points to the disparate impacts of this problem across different social groups.

COVID-19 Driving Child Marriage for Refugee Girls in Middle East North Africa (MENA)
Global Campus of Human Rights, 4 November 2021
This Global Campus of Human Rights article brings to focus the links between school closures and female underage marriage, especially among refugees.

Correlation Analysis of Spatio-temporal Arabic COVID-19 Tweets
Association for Computing Machinery, 4 November 2021
This article analyzes reactions to the pandemic based on an analysis of Arabic tweets and official health provider data. The findings show a positive association between top subjects, such as lockdown and vaccine, and the increasing number of COVID-19 new cases. Unfavorable attitudes among Arab Twitter users were generally heightened during the pandemic on issues such as lockdown, closure, and law enforcement.

How COVID-19 Crisis Undermined MENA States’ Food Security Progress
Arab News, 20 November 2021
Arab News reports on the impact of COVID-19 on food security in the MENA region.

Covid-19 and Food Security Challenges in the MENA Region
Economic Research Forum, 20 November 2021
The paper argues that food security is associated with the strictness of pandemic measures. In part due to weak governance, corruption, and feeble health systems, food security in the MENA region remains tenuous in the wake of the pandemic. 

The Middle East and COVID-19: Time for Collective Action
Global Health, 22 November 2021
This Global Health article outlines the various effects of the pandemic on the MENA region and assesses the responses of various states to the pandemic. It highlights the need for greater intra-regional cooperation in the MENA region on this issue.  

COVID-19 and MENA: Governance, Geopolitics and Gender
Gendered Perspectives on International Development, 24 November 2021
This article investigates the gendered impact of the pandemic on MENA countries and calls for a “new gender contract” in the region.

One-Year Review of COVID-19 in the Arab World
Qatar Medical Journal, 27 November 2021
This article assesses the prevalence of COVID-19 in Arab countries between February 2020 and February 2021 and compares these findings with other significantly affected countries. Bahrain, Qatar, Lebanon, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates recorded the most COVID-19 infections per million.

COVID-19 Learning Losses: Rebuilding Quality Learning for All in the Middle East and North Africa
UNICEF, World Bank, UNESCO, December 2021
This WB-UNICEF-UNESCO joint report discusses the effects of the pandemic on education in the MENA region. 

Reliable Health Data in the MENA Region: The Hard Pill to Swallow
The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy, 2 December 2021
TIMEP reports on the shortages of accurate data on COVID-19 from the MENA region.

Bread&Net 2021: Towards A Growing Regional Digital Rights Community
SMEX, 2 December 2021
SMEX discusses digital rights in the region in 2021 and highlights COVID-19- related challenges like the digitization of health documents and a digital vaccine passport. 

Factors Associated with the Unwillingness of Jordanians, Palestinians and Syrians to Be Vaccinated Against COVID-19
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 9 December 2021
Analyzing a survey carried out in Jordan, the West Bank, and Syria, this article reports that two-thirds of respondents were “unwilling or hesitant” to receive a COVID-19 vaccine.

The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Women-Led Businesses and Women Entrepreneurs in MENA
Center for International Private Enterprise, 13 December 2021
The Center for International Private Enterprise explains the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the MENA region, as well as the threat the pandemic poses to women’s job security and women-led SMEs.

Acceptability of the COVID-19 Vaccine Among Patients with Chronic Rheumatic Diseases and Health-Care Professionals: a Cross-Sectional Study in 19 Arab Countries
The Lancet Rheumatology, 13 December 2021
Based on a survey covering 3,176 participants from 19 Arab countries, this article reports that many patients with chronic rheumatic diseases were reluctant to receive the COVID-19 vaccine due to fear of side effects, disease flare, and lack of information regarding the novel vaccines.

Consensus Meeting Report “Technology Enhanced Assessment” in Covid-19 Time, MENA Regional Experiences and Reflections
Advances in Medical Education and Practice, 14 December 2021
This article explains the challenges associated with educational institutions’ reliance on online testing in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Freedoms in MENA in the Times of COVID-19
Arab Barometer, 17 December 2021
According to this Arab Barometer infographic, citizens, with varying degrees across countries, that freedoms of expression, demonstration, and the media are among the most threatened ones.

Distributional Impacts of COVID-19 in the Middle East and North Africa Region
World Bank, 20 December 2021
This World Bank report examines the distributional effects of the pandemic and makes projections on how COVID-19 could affect poverty levels in the MENA region. [Arabic]

MENA Economic Outlook 2022: Strengthening Regional Growth Faces Noticeable Global Headwinds
IHS Market, 21 December 2021
This IHS Market report projects an uptick in MENA economies between 2022 and 2023 based on expected increases in energy revenues and vaccination rates. It also touches upon monetary policies and predicted inflation across the region.

Air Pollution Back to Pre-COVID-19 Levels in the MENA Region
GreenPeace, 22 December 2021
This Greenpeace report examines air pollution in the MENA region during the pandemic. It indicates levels of pollutants are once again rising to pre-pandemic levels.

Capital Regulation and Market Competition in the MENA Region: Policy Implications for Banking Sector Stability During COVID-19 Pandemic
Global Business Review, 23 December 2021
This article investigates the impact of capital requirements and market competition on the stability of financial institutions in the MENA region.

Between Conflicts, Politics, and COVID-19: Challenges for Arab Journalists
The Arab Center-DC, 30 December 2021
The Arab Center-Washington DC sheds light on limitations on the freedom of the press in the wake of COVID-19. 


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Algeria Begins Producing a Coronavirus Vaccine
AlFanar Media, 22 October 2021
At an anticipated production rate of 8 million doses per month, the state-owned Saidal began producing COVID-19 vaccines with a license from Chinese Sinovac to manufacture jabs locally. [Arabic]

Effects of Temperature and Relative Humidity on the COVID-19 Pandemic in Different Climates: a Study Across Some Regions in Algeria (North Africa)
Environmental Science and Pollution Research International, 22 October 2021
This article characterizes the role of meteorological factors on the transmission of the coronavirus based on a study of 14 Algerian cities with varying climate conditions. It shows a weak correlation between meteorological factors and daily infection numbers.

Impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on Job Recruitment Among Private Companies in Algeria from 2020 to 2021
Statista, 27 October 2021
This article explores the impact of the pandemic on job recruitments in Algeria’s private sector. Twenty-eight percent of surveyed Algerian companies stopped hiring during the first quarter of 2021 because of the outbreak. This is compared to a hiring freeze of twenty-four percent of companies in 2020.  

IMF Executive Board Concludes 2021 Article IV Consultation with Algeria
IMF, 22 November 2021
This IMF official release summarizes the Executive Board’s consultations with the Algeria government. The document covers the impact of COVID-19 on the Algerian economy.

Projected Poverty Headcount Ratio Before and During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Algeria as of 2020
Statista, 1 December 2021
In 2020, poverty in Algeria was projected to increase due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. During the pandemic, 26.5 percent of the Algerian population was projected to be living with less than 5.5 U.S. dollars per day, while 3.3 percent with less than 3.2 U.S. dollars per day. Considering both poverty lines, poverty was projected to rise compared to the pre-COVID-19 period.



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Reducing COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy by Implementing Organizational Intervention in a Primary Care Setting in Bahrain
Cureus Journal, November 5 2021
Based on a  study conducted in Bahrain, this article finds that improving physicians’ and healthcare professionals’ vaccine advice could reduce vaccine hesitancy among patients.

Estimation of COVID-19 Generated Medical Waste in the Kingdom of Bahrain
Science Total Environment Journal, December 2021
The paper evaluates the medical waste generated in the Kingdom of Bahrain in the course of the prevention and cure of COVID-19.



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IMF Management Approves Program Monitored by Union of the Comoros Staff
NNN News Nigeria, 30 October 2021
The International Monetary Fund approved an SMP (Staff Monitoring Program) for Comoros. The program is expected to help with policy recommendations and reforms as well as mitigate the pandemic’s economic burdens. 



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Analysis the Dynamics of SIHR Model: Covid-19 Case in Djibouti
Journal of Applied Mathematics,10 October 2021
Based on data collected from the Djibouti Health Ministry, the articles offers conceptual mathematical models of epidemic dynamics.

Djibouti Rolls Out COVID-19 Vaccinations for Migrants
IOM, 19 October 2021
The International Organization for Migration reports that migrants in Djibouti are receiving the COVID-19 vaccine shots at the Migration Response Center (MRC) in Obock.

Monitoring the Impact of COVID-19 on Households in Djibouti Through High Frequency Phone Surveys
World Bank, 27 October 2021
With technical assistance from the World Bank, a new high-frequency survey was launched to help monitor the socio-economic impacts of the outbreak. 

Djibouti Takes an Inclusive Approach to Schooling for Refugees
World Bank, 20 December 2021
This World Bank article highlights Djibouti’s efforts at providing schooling for refugee children. [Arabic]



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The Impact of COVID-19 on Poor Households in Egypt: Preliminary Results from the Pilot
G²LMLIC, March 2021
This policy brief by “The Gender, Growth and Labor Markets in Low-Income Countries Program” presents the disproportionate effects of the pandemic on within families. It indicates that the effects tend to be more challenging for women, especially those with children.

COVID 19 MENA Monitor Enterprise Survey, CMMENT – Wave 1
Economic Research Forum, 14 October 2021
The Economic Research Forum led a COVID-19 MENA Monitor survey to provide policymakers and researchers with information on the pandemic’s impact on the Egyptian economy and the labor market. 

Depression Among Health Workers Caring for Patients with COVID-19 in Egypt
The Egyptian Journal of Neurology, Psychiatry and Neurosurgery, 18 October 2021
This research paper shows that Major Depressive Disorder is common among healthcare workers in Egypt during the COVID-19 outbreak. It recommends early screening and treatment, especially for young females.

Egypt’s COVID-19 Vaccination Lags behind Most Mena Countries
The National, 1 November 2021
Egypt's vaccination rate (eight percent) lags behind most countries in the region, the National reports. 

Egypt Announces Clinical Trials of its Own COVID-19 Vaccine
USNews, 14 November 2021
The national research body of Egypt announced the beginning of clinical trials for a domestically manufactured COVID-19 vaccine. 

Covid-19 Humour in Egypt: An Analysis of Al-Daheeh Episodes
English Academy Review, 29 November 2021
Based on an analysis of episodes from the Egyptian satirical YouTube Show, “Al Daheeh,” this article highlights the different ways humor can impact people in times of crisis. 

COVID-19 Outcomes Among Pregnant and NonPregnant Women at Reproductive Age in Egypt
Journal of Public Health, December 2021
Based on a study conducted in Egypt, this article finds that pregnant women with COVID-19 are at higher risk of severe symptoms and outcomes including ICU admission, requiring a ventilator, and death.

Cash and Payments in Egypt during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Cash Essentials, 8 December 2021
This article discusses how different indicators of Egypt’s cash and payment wellbeing were impacted by the pandemic. 



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Capturing the Impact of COVID-19 on Construction Projects in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Iraq
Journal of Management in Engineering, 1 January 2022
Based on a case study of Iraq, this article studies the impact of COVID-19 on the construction markets. It shows that supply chain disruptions, workforce restrictions and legislative changes were relevant factors. 

Potential Adverse Effects of COVID19 Vaccines Among Iraqi Population; a Comparison between the Three Available Vaccines in Iraq; a Retrospective Cross-Sectional Study
Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews, October 2021
Based on a study conducted in Iraq, this article evaluates and compares the respective side effects of various COVID-19 vaccines.

COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy and Acceptance Among Medical Students: An Online Cross-Sectional Study in Iraq
Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 9 November 2021
The articles assesses levels of vaccine hesitancy among medical students at the University of Baghdad. 


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COVID-19: Rapid Food Security and Agri-Food Sector Country Assessment for Jordan
FAO, Date Unspecified
This FAO report studies the impact of the pandemic on the agricultural and food sectors in Jordan. It shows how government regulations have mitigated the negative effects of the pandemic on agriculture. 

Jordan's Public Policy Response to COVID-19 Pandemic: Insight and Policy Analysis
Public Organization Review, 6 October 2021
This article employs an interpretive policy approach to understand the Jordanian government’s response to the pandemic. 

Reported COVID-19 Vaccines Side Effects Among Jordanian Population: a Cross Sectional Study
Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics, 6 October 2021
Based on a survey study conducted in Jordan, this paper describes the side effects of COVID-19 vaccines, namely AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Sinopharm. 

Prevalence of COVID-19 Among Blood Donors
Medical Journal, 15 October 2021
This article evaluates the prevalence of COVID-19 antibodies at a blood banking facility in Jordan and describes some characteristics of those that test positive. 

2021 Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 on Vulnerable Women in Jordan
United Nations, 27 October 2021
This UN Women report assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on UN Women Oasis Centre beneficiaries with respect to economic status, safety and access to health services, and other factors. [Arabic]

Pregnancy Outcomes during the Jordanian COVID-19 National Lockdown
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 10 November 2021
Based on a study conducted in Jordan, this article finds that during the COVID-19 lockdown period, the number of infants born with extremely low birth weight decreased significantly.

Jordan Economic Monitor, Fall 2021: En Route to Recovery
World Bank, December 2021
This World Bank report takes note of Jordan’s economic recovery after the shock of the COVID-19 pandemic but warns of economic and international factors that will continue challenging the country’s recovery efforts. 

Covid-19 and the Social Construction of Reality in Jordan
Comparative Sociology, 10 December 2021
This article studies Jordan’s experience with the pandemic to advance the argument that the social construction of reality sometimes requires coercive intervention.

Royal Jordanian Airlines Asks for A $282 Million COVID Bailout
Simple Flying, 28 December 2021
Royal Jordanian Airlines is seeking government aid after having been hit hard by travel restrictions in the wake of the pandemic. 

Effects of Stay-at-Home (Curfew) as a Result of COVID-19 Pandemic on Obesity, Depression and Physical Activity in People Living in Jordan
Nutritional Medicine and Diet Care, 31 December 2021
This article analyzes the effects of stay-at-home measures in Jordan on obesity, depression, and physical activities. 



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Impacts of COVID-19 on Kuwait’s Electric Power Grid
The Electricity Journal, November 2021
This article presents a resource adequacy model developed to assess Kuwait’s ability to supply enough energy to meet load demand during the coronavirus outbreak.

The Impact of Strict Public Health Measures on COVID-19 Transmission in Developing Countries: The Case of Kuwait
Frontiers in Public Health, 22 November 2021
Based on data from Kuwait, this article studies the effectiveness of strict public health control measures in limiting COVID-19 transmission.

Attitude (Acceptance) of the COVID-19 Vaccine among Adult Kuwait Oil Company Workers
Open Journal of Internal Medicine, December 2021
This paper measures the acceptance of a COVID-19 vaccine among adults working in oil companies in Kuwait. Of the surveyed participants, 92.5 percent demonstrated a willingness to receive a COVID-19 vaccine.

Determinants of Hesitancy Towards COVID-19 Vaccines in State of Kuwait: An Exploratory Internet-Based Survey
Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, 14 December 2021
Applying a snowball sampling method to test attitudes towards COVID-19 vaccinations among adults in Kuwait, this article finds that 74.3 percent of participants were hesitant to receive a vaccine.



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Costly and Unsustainable: Where Lebanon’s COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign Went Wrong
The Public Source, 11 October 2021
This article from The Public Source evaluates COVID-19 vaccination efforts in Lebanon. Only 19.5 percent of the population was fully vaccinated, the article reports.   

Data with Borders for a Borderless Virus: Insights and Recommendations from the Case of Lebanon
Arab Reform Initiative, 19 October 2021
This Arab Reform Initiative paper underscores the importance of timely access to complete and accurate data as crucial for an evidence-based national public health response. It shows that the fragmentation of publicly available data in Lebanon across many official reporting sources has mired COVID-19 data in the country. 

High Association of COVID-19 Severity with Poor Gut Health Score in Lebanese Patients
PLOS ONE, 21 October 2021
Based on a study conducted in Lebanon, this article explores the links between gut health and the severity of COVID-19 symptoms.

Barriers to Refugee and Migrant COVID-19 Vaccination in Lebanon Persist
Global Campus of Human Rights, 28 October 2021
Favoritism in Lebanon’s COVID-19 vaccine roll-out and limited access to information and resources continue to limit vaccination rates among refugee and migrant groups.

Phased Repatriation of Lebanese Expatriates Stranded Abroad during Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic
Archives of Public Health, November 2021
Stranded Lebanese citizens abroad appealed to the Lebanese government to embark on citizen repatriation missions. This article evaluates Lebanon’s experience in repatriating citizens in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.

A Retrospective Analysis of 902 Hospitalized COVID‐19 Patients in Lebanon: Clinical Epidemiology and Risk Factors
Journal of Clinical Virology Plus, December 2021
This article studies the clinical epidemiology of hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Lebanon. It describes the characteristics and outcomes of hospitalized patients and identifies risk factors for severe disease or death.

Online Education in Lebanon During the Covid-19 Crisis: An Ongoing Coping Phase
Digital Economy, Emerging Technologies and Business Innovation, 10 December 2021
Based on survey data, this article analyzes the needs and the gaps of Online teaching in Lebanon. 

Mapping Covid-19 Governance in Lebanon: Territories of Sectarianism and Solidarity
Middle East Law and Governance, 26 December 2021
This article argues that the governance of the pandemic in Lebanon reveals tensions between powerful political parties, weakened public agencies, as well as multiple solidarity groups with diverging aspirations. The article demonstrates that the Covid-19 response in Lebanon operates through ongoing negotiations over the national territory in which timid yet visible aspirations for a non-sectarian country confront sectarian territorialities through back-and-forth cycles.



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“COVID-19 Has Only Made Gender-Based Violence More Glaring in Libya”
United Nations, Date Unspecified
Part of the “Expert Platform on Gender and Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism in North Africa”, this UN Women Expert Interview brings attention to gender-based violence in Libya in light of COVID-19.

Acceptance of COVID-19 Vaccine Among the People of Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar District in Libya as of April 2021
Asian Journal of Basic Science and Research, 14 December 2021
This study evaluates the frequency of the acceptance of COVID-19 vaccine in Al-Jabal Al-Akhdar, Libya.



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Roadmap for a More Inclusive and Fiscally Sustainable Post-COVID Economy in Mauritania
World Bank, 22 October 2021
This World Bank article offers an overview for the impact of the pandemic on the economy in Mauritania and offers recommendations and projections for a post-COVID economic recovery plan.



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Pandemic Exposes Vulnerabilities in Moroccan Economy
Financial Times, 11 October 2021
This Financial Times article provides a holistic overview of the Moroccan economy with a specific focus on the impact of the pandemic on it. It reports IMF projections that the Moroccan economy will grow by 4.5 percent in 2021 but also sheds light on vulnerabilities that the pandemic exposed in the Moroccan economy such as the fragility of the tourism sector and the dependency of a large segment of the population on the informal economy.

Morocco’s Monetary Policy Transmission in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic
IMF, 21 October 2021
This IMF working paper assesses monetary policy in Morocco in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Acceptability of COVID-19 Vaccination Among Health Care Workers: a Cross-Sectional Survey in Morocco
Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics, 29 October 2021
This study evaluates the acceptability of COVID-19 vaccination among health care workers prior to the start of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign in Morocco. It shows a relatively high rate of the COVID-19 vaccination acceptance among health care workers in Morocco. Willingness to be vaccinated was significantly associated with job category, confidence in the information circulating about COVID-19, and perceived severity of COVID19.

Resverlogix Holds Discussions with Morocco to start Covid-19 Drug Trial
Pharmaceutical Technology, 2 November 2021
Resverlogix is holding talks with the Ministry of Health of the Kingdom of Morocco to conduct Phase II clinical trials of its drug for Covid-19. The company obtained approval from Health Canada to conduct trials of the drug in the country.

Focus Report: The Post-Pandemic Recovery of the Moroccan Economy
Oxford Business Group, 7 December 2021
This Oxford Business Group report details economic opportunities in key sectors in Morocco. The report attributes the opportunities to the country's digitalization strategy and accelerated digital transformation in response to COVID-19. The report also examines Morocco's approach to adopting environmental, social and governance principles and includes a case study on Morocco Now, the country’s new investment and export brand.

COVID-19 Vaccination Acceptance Among Health Science Students in Morocco: A Cross-Sectional Study
Vaccines (Basel), 8 December 2021
Based on a January 2021 online questionnaire conducted among students of the Mohammed VI University of Health Sciences in Casablanca, this article reports that students with greater confidence in COVID-19 information, and higher perceived likelihood and perceived severity of infection were more likely to be willing to get the vaccine.

Tuberculosis in the Middle of COVID-19 in Morocco: Efforts, Challenges and Recommendations
Tropical Medicine and Health, 20 December 2021
This article examines efforts in Morocco to get back on track with regard to TB management after the onset of COVID-19.

A Laboratory-Based Study of COVID-19 in Casablanca, Morocco
Journal of Public Health in Africa, 31 December 2021
Based on a study conducted in Morocco, this article examines the contribution of laboratory diagnosis to the detection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in the diagnosis of COVID-19.



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The Role of Children and Adolescents in the Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Virus within Family Clusters: A Large Population Study from Oman
Journal of Infection and Public Health, November 2021
This study investigates the role of children in spreading SARS-CoV-2 causing COVID-19 within family clusters in Oman.

The Economic and Social Impact of COVID-19 on Tourism and Hospitality Industry: A Case Study from Oman
Wiley Journal of Public Health, 9 November 2021
This article investigates the economic and social impacts of COVID-19 on the tourism and hospitality sector of Oman based on data collected from business owners.

Challenges and Opportunities for Public Health Service in Oman from the COVID-19 Pandemic: Learning Lessons for a Better Future
Frontiers in Public Health, 9 December 2021
This article provides a narrative review of Oman's public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic from January 2020 to July 2021, and the challenges it faced for a more rapid and efficient response. 

Impact of COVID-19 Crisis on Knowledge Management Practices in Sultanate of Oman
Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 15 December 2021
This article identifies various changes made to knowledge management (KM) practices implemented by organizations in the Sultanate of Oman following the onset of the COVID-19 crisis.  



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Israel: Ensure Full Access to COVID-19 Vaccines in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
International Commission of Jurists, 5 October 2021
This ICJ report underscores vaccine inequality in Israel and Palestine demonstrating the vast disparity in access to vaccines between Israel’s and Palestine’s populations. 

The Association of Social Factors and COVID-19–Related Resource Loss with Depression and Anxiety Among Arabs in Israel
Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 7 October 2021
This article examines experiences of resource loss, social exclusion, ethnic discrimination, and social support and their association with depression and anxiety symptoms during the COVID-19 outbreak among Arabs in Israel. Results highlight the importance of developing and implementing context-informed health and social care policies and practices, especially in this time of crisis.

Acceptance of COVID-19 Vaccines in Palestine: a Cross-Sectional Online Study
BMJ Public Health Emergency Collection, October 7, 2021
This study aims to assess the willingness of Palestinians to receive a COVID-19 vaccine and their knowledge about such vaccines.

Fear of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Mental Health Outcomes in Palestine: The Mediating Role of Social Support
Current Psychology, 20 October 2021
This article tests the correlation between fear due to coronavirus (COVID-19) and mental health outcomes (stress, depression, and anxiety) and the mediating role of social support during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Palestine. 

Lessons of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict for Public Health: The Case of the COVID-19 Vaccination Gap
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, November 2021
This article explores the importance of recognizing the Israeli and Palestinian jurisdictions as a single epidemiological unit and illustrates how doing so is a pragmatic positioning that can serve self-interest.

Conflict and Cooperation in the Age of COVID-19: the Israeli–Palestinian Case
International Affairs, 1 November 2021
This article uses the Israeli–Palestinian conflict during the COVID-19 pandemic as a case study, exploring the impact of the crisis on relations between the rival parties and examining the conditions under which an ongoing pandemic might lead to either conflict or cooperation in a conflict area.

Economic Monitoring Report to the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee
World Bank, 17 November  2021
The World Bank report notes that the Palestinian economy started to recover, especially due to the progress witnessed in the West Bank. Gaza on the other hand is still dealing with the economic crisis with rising unemployment rates and deteriorating social conditions. [Arabic]

Prevalence of Depression, Anxiety and Stress during the COVID-19 Pandemic: a Cross Sectional Study among Palestinian Students(10-18 years)
BMC Psychology, 30 November 2021
The article identifies psychological distress among school students during the lockdown period based on a study carried out in the Gaza Strip in Palestine.



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Report: Covid-19's Long-Term Implications for Qatar’s External Trade and Maritime Logistics
Oxford Business Group, 1 October 2021
This Oxford Business Group report looks at COVID-19’s impact on Qatar’s economy and especially on its external trade sector. It shows that Qatar was able to tap international debt markets to fund an effective economic response to the pandemic, while its relatively small population was well served by a modern health care system guided by clear government policy geared towards prevention as well as treatment. The report attributes this success to the state’s oil wealth.

BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Against the SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant in Qatar
Nature Medicine, 2 November 2021
This article assesses the real-world effectiveness of COVID-19 messenger RNA vaccines against Delta variant infections in Qatar's population.

Attitudes and Intentions toward COVID-19 Vaccination among Health Professions Students and Faculty in Qatar
Vaccines, 3 November 2021
This article examines the impact of psychological and sociodemographic factors on attitudes toward and intentions to take the COVID-19 vaccine among students and faculty at four colleges of health professions and sciences at Qatar University.

Predictors of Psychological Distress in Health Care Staff in Qatar during COVID-19 Pandemic
Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, December 2021
This study assesses mental health symptoms experienced by expatriate hospital staff and determines the impact of staff wellbeing interventions specific to pandemic-related stress in Qatar during the coronavirus outbreak.

Impact of Staying at Home Measures during COVID-19 Pandemic on the Lifestyle of Qatar’s Population: Perceived Changes in Diet, Physical Activity, and Body Weight
Preventive Medicine Reports, December 2021
This study assesses the impact of staying at home measures imposed during the COVID-19 pandemic on dietary behaviors, physical activity, and body weight in Qatar’s population. Half of the participants perceived some weight gain during staying-at-home measures and one-third perceived that their overall diet became less healthy with home confinement.

Waning of BNT162b2 Vaccine Protection against SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Qatar
The New England Journal of Medicine, 9 December 2021
Based on a study conducted in Qatar, this study investigated vaccine-induced protection against severe SARS-COV-2 infection and hospitalization.


Saudi Arabia

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The Psychological and Emotional Impact of Coronavirus Disease on COVID-19 Patients in Najran Province, Saudi Arabia: An Exploratory Study
Journal of Public Health Research, 8 October 2021
This article explores the psychological impact experienced by patients who tested positive from coronavirus in the Najran region in Saudi Arabia. The study revealed that the majority of participants had high levels of depression, anxiety and bothersome behaviors.

Lifestyle Behaviors Trend and Their Relationship with Fear Level of COVID-19: Cross-Sectional Study in Saudi Arabia
PLOS ONE, 13 October 2021
This article assesses the association between various lifestyle behaviors and their association with fear of COVID-19 in people living in Saudi Arabia.

Inequalities in Knowledge About COVID-19 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Frontiers in Public Health, 15 October 2021
This study assesses the socioeconomic inequalities in knowledge regarding COVID-19 in Saudi Arabia.

Knowledge and Attitude of Saudi Arabian Citizens towards Telemedicine during the COVID-19 Pandemic
International Health, 6 December 2021
This article investigates the knowledge and attitudes of Saudi Arabian citizens towards telemedicine during the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Impact of COVID-19 on Saudi Arabia's Economy: Evidence from Macro-Micro Modelling
PSU Research Review, 7 December 2021
This article evaluates the impact of COVID-19 on Saudi Arabia’s economy, with a special focus on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and production. 

The Contribution of Saudi Arabian Scholars to the Literature on COVID-19: A Bibliometric Study
Science and Technology Libraries, 13 December 2021
This paper reports the findings of Saudi researchers’ academic performance on the topic of COVID-19.

Saudi Arabia Experience in Implementing Telemental Health during COVID-19 Pandemic
Saudi Journal of Health Systems Research, 21 December 2021
This article assesses Saudi Arabis’ experience with telemental health since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.



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Excess Mortality during the COVID-19 Pandemic: a Geospatial and Statistical Analysis in Mogadishu, Somalia
International Journal of Infectious Diseases, October 2021
This article shows that COVID-19 deaths in Somalia were at least thirty-two times higher than the figures reported by the government during the early months of the pandemic.

What Resilient Somali Residents are Telling Us About COVID-19 and Economic Recovery
World Bank, 20 December 2021
The World Bank has collaborated with the Somalia National Bureau of Statistics to conduct two rounds of phone surveys already, with the third round under preparation. In January 2021, the survey team reached 1,756 people by phone throughout Somalia.



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COVID-19 and Sudan: The Impact on Economic and Social Rights in the Context of a Fragile Democratic Transition and Suspended Constitutionalism
Journal of African Law, 22 October 2021
This article argues that the lockdown imposed in Sudan due to the COVID-19 pandemic has seriously affected the livelihood of vulnerable populations.

Exploring Challenges to COVID-19 Vaccination in the Darfur Region of Sudan
The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 10 November 2021
This article assesses the difficulties challenging vaccination efforts in the Darfur region of Sudan, such as lack of vaccine storage and transportation facilities, vaccination hesitancy, inequity in the distribution to health facilities, and shortage of healthcare professionals.

Sudan Coup Prompts Fresh Health and Humanitarian Fears
The Lancet, 13 November 2021
This article explores the impact of the coup in Sudan on health and humanitarian conditions. Medicine, food, and fuel shortages could deepen further in Sudan after a military coup sparked large pro-democracy protests and threatened further economic instability.

Rapid Assessment of the Socio-Economic Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic with a Focus on Khartoum, West Kordofan and East Darfur, Sudan
ILO, 8 December 2021
This ILO report assesses the impact of COVID-19 on income and employment, businesses, access to basic services, social protection, social cohesion.

Sudan: Media Laws Drafted during COVID-19 Don’t Meet Free Speech Standards
Article 19, 17 December 2021
This Article-19 legal analysis examines Sudan’s draft media laws, indicating that they failed to meet international freedom of expression standards. The document  expresses concern that these draft laws have been put forward in times where the response to the COVID-19 pandemic has added new challenges to the media to operate in a pluralistic and safe environment.  



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Effects of COVID-19-Related Life Changes on Mental Health in Syrian Refugees in Turkey
BJPsych Open Journal, 1 October 2021
This article examines the association between COVID-19 and changes in mental health in Syrian refugees in Turkey.

COVID-19 Vaccination Acceptance Among Syrian Population: a Nationwide Cross-Sectional Study
BMC Public Health, 18 November 2021
This article investigates the determinants of vaccine acceptance among Syrians.

COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance in Older Syrian Refugees: Preliminary Findings from an Ongoing Study
Preventive Medicine Reports, December 2021
This article reports that a third of older Syrian refugees had no intention to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. 

Syrian Government’s Obstruction of Humanitarian Aid Pushes Health Systems to “Near Collapse” in Northern Syria: PHR Report
Physicians for Human Rights, 15 December 2021
This Physicians for Human Rights report provides evidence of compounded health disparities and inequities across northern Syria in the wake of a decade-long assault on health care by the government. [Arabic]



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Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in the Sewerage System in Tunisia: a Promising Tool to Confront COVID-19 Pandemic
Future Virology, 14 October 2021
This study undertaken in Tunisia examines the use of wastewater to monitor SARS-CoV-2 circulation. The increased amounts of viral RNA detected in wastewater were accompanied by an increase in the number of COVID-19 patients in Tunisia. Results emphasize the importance of sewage surveys in SARS-CoV-2 tracking.

Rapid Labour Force Survey on the Impact of COVID-19 in Tunisia: Third Wave
ILO, 18 October 2021
This ILO report summarizes the key findings of the third wave of rapid labor force surveys conducted by ILO and Economic Research Forum in Tunisia to monitor the impact of COVID-19 on households, household enterprises, and farmers.

Assessment of COVID-19 Vaccine Literacy Among Cancer Patients: A Cross Sectional Tunisian Study
European Journal of Public Health, 20 October 2021
This study assesses COVID-19 vaccine literacy among cancer patients in Tunisia. Vaccine literacy among cancer patients included in this study is weak.

From Democratic Exception to State of Exception: Covid-19 in the Context of Tunisia’s State of Law
Middle East Law and Governance, 26 October 2021
Through an analysis of the early legal and institutional response to Covid-19 in Tunisia, this article demonstrates that the narrative of Tunisia’s democratic exceptionalism following the 2011 revolution is not translated into a liberal legal practice but is instead upheld by an authoritarian rationale that serves the role of a formal channel that legitimizes power discourse.

COVID-19 Vaccination Acceptance and Its Associated Factors among Cancer Patients in Tunisia
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 1 November 2021
This article assesses the acceptance rate of COVID-19 vaccination among Tunisian cancer patients and investigates its associated factors.

Impact of Covid-19 on the Rights of Minorities and ‘Minoritized’ Populations: Consultation with Civil Society
Minority Rights Group International, 1 December 2021
This study focuses on the impact of the pandemic on minorities and ‘minoritized’ populations in Tunisia, namely the Amazigh population, disabled persons, the LGBTQI+ community, black Tunisian citizens, Sub-Saharan migrants and religious minorities.

Psychological Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Healthcare Professionals in Tunisia: Risk and Protective Factors
Frontiers in Psychology, 14 December 2021
This study evaluates the magnitude of different psychological outcomes among Tunisian healthcare professionals (HCPs) during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tunisia: Authorities Must Halt Implementation of Overly Restrictive Vaccine Pass
Amnesty International, 21 December 2021
Amnesty International released a statement calling the new Tunisian decree-law that introduces the new vaccination passport “overly restrictive”. The statement discusses several ways the decree-law will worsen inequalities and promote injustices.

Effectiveness of an Online Positive Psychology Intervention among Tunisian Healthcare Students on Mental Health and Study Engagement during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 22 December 2021
This article assesses the effectiveness of an eight-week internet-based positive psychology intervention for healthcare students in Tunisia.



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COVID-19 Crisis Management: Lessons From the United Arab Emirates Leaders
Frontiers in Public Health, 29 October 2021
This study analyzes the UAE response to the COVID-19 crisis through the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's Strategic Crisis Management Framework.

COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance Among Healthcare Workers in the United Arab Emirates
IJID Regions, December 2021
This article investigates coronavirus vaccine hesitancy among healthcare workers in the UAE. UAE healthcare workers had a high acceptance rate (89.2%) for COVID-19 vaccines. Older individuals, males, physicians, and South Asians demonstrated higher rates of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance. The main reasons for COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy were safety and efficacy concerns.



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Yemen’s Triple Emergency: Food Crisis Amid a Civil War and COVID-19 Pandemic
Health in Practice, November 2021
This article sheds light on the food crisis in Yemen amid the civil war and COVD-19 pandemic. It argues that while the most crucial step is to urge the leading Yemeni authorities to restart negotiations to end the war, the more urgent action is to demand the local authorities to join forces in addressing the COVID-19 pandemic by limiting their interferences toward the much-needed humanitarian assistance.

UN Women and ESCWA launch 3 studies on the impact of COVID-19 on women in Yemen
UN ESCWA, 2 December 2021
The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) and UN Women in Iraq and Yemen launched three studies assessing the impact of COVID-19 on the social, political and economic situation of women in Yemen. The studies are aimed at supporting the Government of Yemen and various stakeholders in addressing the challenges that women face and increasing the effectiveness of efforts towards gender equality in all sectors, in the era of COVID-19 and beyond.

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The Program on Arab Reform and Democracy (ARD) at CDDRL is pleased to announce the launch of Mofeed Digest, a periodic recap of the most important scholarly and policy publications, reports, and articles investigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the politics, economies, and societies of the Arab world.

Arab Reform and Democracy Program
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In a webinar dated June 2, 2021, Georgetown University Historian Abdullah Al-Arian analyzed how the Arab Uprisings have impacted Islamist movements throughout the region. By the eve of the uprisings, he argues, the posture of Islamist movements reflected a set of political commitments that had emerged largely at the expense of their ideological program and social mission. Rooted in the historical and recent acceptance of state institutions and political structures, expressions of Islamism by parties across the Arab region reflected a shift that subsumed long held beliefs beneath the needs of (alternately or in combination) democratic pluralism and political expediency, most clearly visible in the transformation of Tunisia’s Ennahda Party. That tension has been exacerbated in the wake of political defeats experienced by many of these movements, particularly Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood. While the “Islamist idea” is likely to endure its current bout with state repression, its survival as a political force in the future will depend on its determination to complete this evolution, a process that was both accelerated and interrupted during the critical moments of the Arab uprisings. To watch the recording of the talk, please click below.

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This event is cosponsored by the Abbasi Program in Islamic Studies at Stanford University and the Ten Years On Project,


During the height of the mass uprisings against authoritarian rule, excitement about the prospects for a more just and representative political order across the Arab region was often tempered by questions concerning the role that Islamist parties would play in post-authoritarian transitions. Movements that maintained deep social roots but were often on the margins of state power were poised to implement an Islamist political project decades in the making. The outcomes of the subsequent transitions, particularly the legacy of destructive civil conflicts, foreign interventions, and authoritarian resurgence, have frequently obscured attempts to understand the impact of the Arab uprisings on Islamism. 

This talk examines these recent developments by placing them within a broader historical analysis that traces the evolution of Islamist thought and activism from its tentative embrace of the nation state to its wholehearted entry into national party politics. It argues that, by the eve of the uprisings, the posture of Islamist movements reflected a set of political commitments that had emerged largely at the expense of their ideological program and social mission. Rooted in the historical and recent acceptance of state institutions and political structures, expressions of Islamism by parties across the Arab region reflected a shift that subsumed long held beliefs beneath the needs of (alternately or in combination) democratic pluralism and political expediency, most clearly visible in the transformation of Tunisia’s Ennahda Party. That tension has been exacerbated in the wake of political defeats experienced by many of these movements, particularly Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood. While the “Islamist idea” is likely to endure its current bout with state repression, its survival as a political force in the future will depend on its determination to complete this evolution, a process that was both accelerated and interrupted during the critical moments of the Arab uprisings.


Abdullah Al Arian

Abdullah Al-Arian is an associate professor of history at Georgetown University in Qatar where he specializes in the modern Middle East and the study of Islamic social movements. He is the author of Answering the Call: Popular Islamic Activism in Sadat's Egypt (Oxford University Press). His upcoming book compares the historical experiences of Islamist movements in six different Arab states and will be published by Cambridge University Press. He is also editor of the Critical Currents in Islam page on Jadaliyya ezine.


*Note: Event time listed above is PST.

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Abdullah Al-Arian Associate Professor of History Georgetown University in Qatar


This talk is based on the speakers’ recently published edited volume The Unfinished Arab Spring: Micro-Dynamics of Revolts between Change and Continuity. Adopting an original analytical approach in explaining various dynamics at work behind the Arab revolts and giving voice to local dynamics and legacies rather than concentrating on debates about paradigms, we highlight micro-perspectives of change and resistance as well as of contentious politics that are often marginalized and left unexplored in favor of macro-analyses. First, we re-examine the stories of the uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Morocco and Algeria through diverse and novel perspectives, looking at factors that have not yet been sufficiently underlined but carry explanatory power for what has occurred. Second, rather than focusing on macro-comparative regional trends – however useful they might be – we focus on the particularities of each country, highlighting distinctive micro-dynamics of change and continuity. ​


Fatima el Issawi
Fatima el Issawi is a Reader in Journalism and Media Studies at the University of Essex. Her research focuses on the intersection between media, politics and conflicts in transitional contexts to democracy in North Africa. She is the Principal Investigator for the research project “Media and Transitions to Democracy: Journalistic Practices in Communicating Conflicts- the Arab Spring” funded by the British Academy Sustainable Development Programme, looking at media’s impact on communicating political conflicts in post uprisings in North Africa. Since 2012, el Issawi has been leading empirical comparative research projects on the interplay between media and political change, funded by Open Society Foundation and the Middle East Centre/LSE, covering Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Libya and Algeria. El Issawi’s expertise crosses journalism, public communication, policy and academia. She has over fifteen years of experience as international correspondent in conflict zones in the MENA region. She is the author of “Arab National Media and Political Change” investigating the complex intersections between traditional journalists and politics in uncertain times of transitions to democracy.

Francesco Cavatorta
Francesco Cavatorta is full professor of political science and director of the Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur l’Afrique et le Moyen Orient (CIRAM) at Laval University, Quebec, Canada. His research focuses on the dynamics of authoritarianism and democratization in the Middle East and North Africa. His current research projects deal with party politics and the role of political parties in the region. He has published numerous journal articles and books.

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Fatima el Issawi University of Essex
Francesco Cavatorta Laval University


Democracy promotion has been a longstanding goal of US foreign policy in the Middle East and elsewhere. President George W. Bush championed democracy promotion as a way to counter the ideology and extremism that led to the September 11, 2001 terror attacks against the United States. After Bush’s attempts ended in abject failure, President Barack Obama sought to repair relations with the Muslim world but also withdraw the US footprint in the Middle East. But Obama was forced to take a far more hands-on approach with the outbreak of the 2010-2011 uprisings known as the Arab Spring. President Donald Trump, who has displayed an almost allergic aversion to Obama’s policies, has openly embraced the region’s autocrats with little regard for their abuse of human rights or absence of attention to political or economic freedom. How the United States approaches the region matters – both for aspiring democrats and for those who wish to silence them. Despite the rise of Russia and China, the United States remains the sole superpower, with the loudest voice on the world stage. Thus, the shift from democracy promoter – albeit reluctantly at times – to authoritarian enabler has made the task of democratic political reform far more challenging for people across the Middle East. This discussion will examine the recent democracy promotion efforts of the United States, with a focus on the Obama and Trump years.


yerkes color large 2017
Sarah Yerkes is a fellow in the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace’s Middle East Program, where her research focuses on Tunisia’s political, economic, and security developments as well as state-society relations in the Middle East and North Africa.  She has been a visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution and a Council on Foreign Relations international affairs fellow and has taught in the Security Studies Program at Georgetown University and at the Elliott School of International Affairs at the George Washington University. Yerkes is a former member of the State Department’s policy planning staff, where she focused on North Africa. Previously, she was a foreign affairs officer in the State’s Department’s Office of Israel and Palestinian affairs. Yerkes also served as a geopolitical research analyst for the U.S. military’s Joint Staff Strategic Plans and Policy Directorate (J5) at the Pentagon, advising the Joint Staff leadership on foreign policy and national security issues.

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Sarah Yerkes Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Scott Williamson
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CDDRL’s Program on Arab Reform and Democracy held its annual conference at Stanford University on October 11 and 12, titled “The Struggle for Political Change in the Arab World.” The conference is an outgrowth of ARD’s efforts to support new research on the dynamics of political change in the countries of the Arab world. Scholars from across different disciplines sought to understand how social, economic, and political dynamics at the national level, as well as international and regional conflict and power rivalries, impact struggles for political and social change in the region.

Overview of Panels and Speakers

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Following opening remarks by FSI Senior Fellow Larry Diamond, the first panel titled “The Boundaries of Authoritarianism post-Arab Uprisings” featured CDDRL Senior Research Scholar Amr Hamzawy. His paper examined how the regime of Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi has employed discursive strategies to discredit calls for democratic change in the country. Sean Yom, Associate Professor of Political Science at Temple University, outlined how the protest strategies of Jordanian youth have limited their effectiveness in advancing meaningful political change. University of California, Davis Scholar Samia Errazzouki discussed the failure of state-led political and economic reform in Morocco.

Chaired by Harvard University Fellow Hicham Alaoui, the second panel was titled “Popular Uprisings and Uncertain Transitions.” University of California, Santa Cruz Political Scientist Thomas Serres provided an overview of the economic disruptions that contributed to Algeria’s uprising. Lindsay Benstead, who is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Portland State University, analyzed the electoral successes of Tunisia’s Ennahda Party. Khalid Medani, Professor of Political Science at McGill University, explained how Sudanese protesters leveraged new strategies of contention to force Omar Al-Bashir out of power.

farrah al nakib and michael herb Farah Al-Nakib (right) and Michael Herb (left)
The third panel, titled “Politics, Succession and Sectarianism in the GCC States,” included Oxford University Fellow Toby Matthiesen, who discussed how Saudi Arabia and the GCC states have increasingly sought to protect their regimes by actively molding the politics of their autocratic patrons in the region, and by using new technologies to upgrade the effectiveness of their surveillance states. Georgia State University Political Scientist Michael Herb explained how the aging of the Saudi line of succession contributed to the political ascendancy of Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman and the decay of family rule in the country. Cal Poly Historian Farah Al-Nakib described how Kuwait’s royal family has used its sponsorship of large-scale development projects to sidestep the country’s political polarization, undermine the power of the parliament, and weaken public access to spaces of political contestation.

hesham and toby matthiesen
The fourth panel focused on “Social Strife and Proxy Conflict in the Middle East.” Chatham House Scholar Lina Khatib described Syria’s transformation during the civil war from a highly centralized security state to a transactional state in which the regime depends heavily on local powerbrokers. Stacey Philbrick Yadav, Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Political Science at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, discussed differences in how local communities in Yemen have been affected by the country’s conflict. David Patel, who serves as Associate Director for Research at the Crown Center for Middle East Studies at Brandeis University, argued that Iraq’s democratic institutions have been impressively robust to a series of existential challenges, but he also highlighted a widespread feeling among the Iraqi public that its parliamentary system is failing to deliver.

lisa blaydes
Finally, the fifth panel examined the topic of “International Forces in the Arab Political Arena.” Stanford University Political Scientist Lisa Blaydes suggested that China’s efforts to involve itself in the regional economy may improve its reputation among economically-frustrated Arab citizens, but that such efforts also spell trouble for democracy and human rights in the Middle East. Hamid & Christina Moghadam Director of Iranian Studies at Stanford University Abbas Milani argued that Iran’s ideological commitment to exporting the Islamic Revolution has been remarkably consistent for several decades. Colin Kahl, Co-director of the Center for International Security and Cooperation at FSI, reviewed the strategies of US administrations toward the Middle East, and posited that President Trump’s approach of pursuing maximalist objectives with minimal commitments is particularly likely to heighten instability in the region. FSI Scholar Ayca Alemdaroglu emphasized that Turkey’s neo-Ottoman foreign policy has failed to achieve its objectives in the face of mounting regional upheaval.

Common Themes of Political Change and Continuity

hamzawy khatib patel stacey
Several themes emerged from conference presentations. First, across the panels, scholars discussed the lessons learned by autocrats and activists alike in the aftermath of the Arab Spring, and the ways in which these lessons have transformed regional politics. Hamzawy emphasized that the Sisi regime in Egypt has increasingly relied on intensive repression over cooptation to maintain stability, while at the same time refusing to grant even limited political openings as existed under Hosni Mubarak’s presidency. In part, this change appears to be rooted in the regime’s belief that relaxing the state’s authoritarian posture had contributed to the revolutionary upheaval of 2011. Likewise, Matthiesen suggested that Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Cooperation Council States have learned to become more aggressive in strengthening their surveillance apparatus and policing popular discourse transnationally. By contrast, Serres discussed how the Algerian military and bureaucracy have responded to mass protests not by intensifying repression, but instead by attempting to coopt anti-corruption initiatives and democratic reforms to limit political and economic change. Similarly, regarding Kuwait, Al-Nakib illustrated how the restructuring of urban spaces has proved itself a subtle but successful strategy for the royal family to rehabilitate its reputation while limiting geographic focal points for popular politics.

sean yom
Activists have also learned their own lessons from the aftermath of the Arab Spring. According to Yom, Jordanian activists continue to look to the leaderless revolutions of Tunisia and Egypt as a model to be emulated. As a result, they prioritize agility and horizontality in their protests, and they forgo the organization of formal political movements. This approach has succeeded in acquiring short-term concessions from the regime but has failed to generate broader structural changes. On the other hand, activists in Sudan appear to have been more successful at using lessons from the Arab Spring to push for systematic transformations of their political system. According to Medani, Sudanese protesters developed novel tactics to avoid the repression of the coercive apparatus, and they were effective at gradually forging a counterhegemonic discourse that clearly exposed the regime’s failures to the public. Following the overthrow of Omar Al-Bashir, activists in Sudan have also insisted on dismantling the political and economic might of the deep state to avoid following Egypt’s path.

hicham alaoui at conference
Second, the conference discussion indicated widespread dissatisfaction with formal political institutions across the region. For instance, Hamzawy suggested that Sisi’s regime has been relatively successful at discrediting civilian political institutions, including the legislature and civilian-led ministries. Errazzouki highlighted widespread dissatisfaction in Morocco with existing political institutions. Likewise, Yom’s discussion of activists in Jordan emphasized their lack of interest in entering formal politics. In Kuwait, the royal court has found an opening to pursue urban development projects outside of normal institutions in part because of the public’s frustration with gridlock in the legislature. Patel speculated that frustration with the parliament and muhasasa system in Iraq may finally prompt major changes to the country’s political process.

thomas serres and khalid medani
Third, despite this disillusionment with formal politics, these political institutions have proved remarkably durable in countries across the region. For example, though current frustrations may finally prompt change in Iraq, Patel also highlighted the resilience of the parliamentary system in the face of a sectarian civil war, US troop withdrawal, the rise of ISIS, and a number of other major challenges. For both Algeria and Sudan, Serres and Medani stressed that militaries continue to exercise significant influence despite the popular uprisings. Meanwhile, for Egypt, Hamzawy noted the firm grip of the current military regime on power, and for Morocco, Errazzouki described the lack of systematic changes to the country’s ruling monarchy, even after years of popular pressure.

stacey yadav
Fourth, this durability has not precluded a number of important shifts within existing political institutions. Regarding Syria, for instance, Khatib explained how the survival of Bashar al-Asad’s presidency has depended on moving state institutions away from a centralized security state to a transactional state reliant on local actors with a degree of independence from the regime. Herb described how the consensus-based family rule of the Saudi monarchy fell victim to deaths among the aging senior princes, which opened up opportunities for the king to appoint more officials in a manner that heightened his direct influence. Herb suggested that Mohammad Bin Salman recognized this change and knew that he would likely lose relevance upon his father’s death; as a result, he was motivated to gamble on consolidating his control while his father still held the power to issue royal decrees. In Algeria, the influence of the military and bureaucracy may remain paramount for now, but Serres also pointed out that protesters have succeeded in stripping away the civilian intermediaries who used to protect these institutions. Regarding the durability of local institutions, Yadav noted how pre-conflict and even pre-unification institutions in Yemen have continued to operate effectively in a number of local communities around the country.

colin kahl with abbas and ayca
Fifth, foreign interventions will continue to destabilize the region and impede prospects for democratization or post-conflict reconstructions in the coming years. Khatib noted that Russia has positioned itself as the agenda setter who can bring the Syrian state back to its feet, but also that Russia and Iran are competing to profit off the country’s reconstruction. For Yemen, Yadav argued that fragmentation at the local level has important implications for best practices in the international community’s reconstruction efforts, but that current actors are not well positioned to understand these trends. Kahl predicted that the Middle East strategy of the Trump administration would likely contribute to further destabilization of the region because of its emphasis on empowering allies to do what they want and go after Iran while the United States maintains its distance. Meanwhile, Blaydes’ presentation on China’s regional involvement, Milani’s discussion of Iran’s efforts to export the Islamic Revolution, and Matthiesen’s observations about the GCC States’ authoritarian coordination all illustrated how intervening states are reducing prospects for democratic political change.

milani with audience
Sixth, even as interventionist countries have contributed to the destabilization of the region, they have also confronted major obstacles themselves – and in some cases have failed outright to achieve their primary objectives. Khatib noted that Iran has faced backlash in Syria, while Abbas Milani and David Patel pointed to backlash against Iran in Iraq. Kahl emphasized that the Trump administration’s Middle East policy was unlikely to achieve its goals. Blaydes observed that China has not acquired greater salience in the Middle East despite its more active economic involvement, and individuals in many of the region’s countries – particularly those that are more developed – do not see China’s growth as a positive force. She also stressed the reputational risks China is taking in pursuing potentially unpopular investments through the Belt and Road Initiative. The GCC States are attempting to prop up strongmen in both Libya and Sudan, but this strategy has struggled in the face of local political dynamics; furthermore, the intervention in Yemen has been a disaster for Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Finally, Alemdaroglu stressed that Turkey’s ambitious “neo-Ottoman” foreign policy, which reflects a desire to revive Turkish influence in areas ruled by the Ottoman Empire, has largely failed. In particular, the architect of the policy, former foreign minister Ahmet Davutoglu, lost his job; the country miscalculated badly in how it handled the aftermath of the Arab Spring; and Turkey’s relations with many of its neighbors have soured.

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Arab Reform and Democracy Program
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Under the title “Political Contestation and New Social Forces in the Middle East and North Africa,” the Program on Arab Reform and Democracy convened its 2018 annual conference on April 27 and 28 at Stanford University. Bringing together a diverse group of scholars from across several disciplines, the conference examined how dynamics of governance and modes of political participation have evolved in recent years in light of the resurgence of authoritarian trends throughout the region.

adel iskandar
Delivering the opening remarks of the conference, Freeman Spogli Institute (FSI) and Hoover Institution Senior Fellow Larry Diamond reflected on the state of struggle for political change in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. In a panel titled “Youth, Culture, and Expressions of Resistance,” FSI Scholar Ayca Alemdaroglu discussed strategies the Turkish state has pursued to preempt and contain dissent among youth. Adel Iskandar, Assistant Professor of Communications at Simon Fraser University, explained the various ways through which Egyptian youth employ social media to express political dissent. Yasemin Ipek, Assistant Professor of Global Affairs at George Mason University, unpacked the phenomenon of “entrepreneurial activism” among Lebanese youth and discussed its role in cross-sectarian mobilization.

The conference’s second panel, tilted “Situating Gender in the Law and the Economy,” featured Texas Christian University Historian Hanan Hammad, who assessed the achievements of the movement to fight gender-based violence in Egypt. Focusing on Gulf Cooperation Council states, Alessandra Gonzales, a Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, analyzed the differences in female executive hiring practices across local and foreign firms. Stanford University Political Scientist and FSI Senior Fellow Lisa Blaydes presented findings from her research on women’s attitudes toward Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Egypt.

conference speakers
Speaking on a panel titled “Social Movements and Visions for Change,” Free University of Berlin Scholar Dina El-Sharnouby discussed the 2011 revolutionary movement in Egypt and the visions for social change it espouses in the contemporary moment. Oklahoma City University Political Scientist Mohamed Daadaoui analyzed the Moroccan regime’s strategies of control following the Arab Uprisings and their impact on various opposition actors. Nora Doaiji, a PhD Student in History at Harvard University, shared findings from her research examining the challenges confronting the women’s movement in Saudi Arabia.

The fourth panel of the conference, “The Economy, the State, and New Social Actors,” featured George Washington University Associate Professor of Geography Mona Atia, who presented on territorial restructuring and the politics governing poverty in Morocco. Amr Adly, an Assistant Professor of Political Science at the American University in Cairo, analyzed the relationship between the state and big business in Egypt after the 2013 military coup. Rice University Professor of Economics Mahmoud El-Gamal shared findings from his research on the economic determinants of democratization and de-democratization trends in Egypt during the past decade.

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The final panel focused on the international and regional dimensions of the struggle for political change in the Arab world, and featured Hicham Alaoui, a Research Fellow at Harvard University’s Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Georgetown University Political Scientist Daniel Brumberg, and Nancy Okail, the Executive Director of the Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy.

The conference included a special session featuring former fellows of the American Middle Eastern Network at Stanford (AMENDS), an organization dedicated to promoting understanding around the Middle East, and supporting young leaders working to ignite concrete social and economic development in the region. AMENDS affiliates from five different MENA countries shared with the Stanford community their experiences in working toward social change in their respective countries.

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Arab Reform and Democracy Program
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Islamism has imitated, or colluded with, the state autocracies it claims to oppose. It has failed to suggest its own answers to economic problems, social justice, education or corruption, writes Hicham Alaoui in Le Monde diplomatique. Click here to read the full article, which is based on research that Alaoui presented at UC Berkeley and CDDRL on October 10 and 11, respectively.

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Please note: Registration for the conference is open only to Stanford University affiliates. A valid SUNet ID is required to register.

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DAY 1: Friday, April 27


8:30-9:00 a.m.    Breakfast


9:00-9:15 a.m.    Introductory Remarks


9:15-11:00 a.m.  Panel 1: Youth, Culture, and Expressions of Resistance

Ayca Alemdaroglu, Stanford University

“Affective Pedagogies: Governing Youth in the Times of Dissent in Turkey”

Adel Iskandar, Simon Fraser University

“Uprisings Upended: Arab Youth Between Dissociation, Disenchantment, and Desecration”

Yasemin Ipek, Stanford University

“Imagining Social Change after the Syrian Civil War: Entrepreneurial Activism and Cross-Sectarian Political Mobilization in Lebanon”

Chair: Hicham Alaoui, Harvard University


11:00-11:15 a.m. Coffee Break


11:15-1:00 p.m.  Panel 2: Situating Gender in the Law and the Economy

Hanan Hammad, Texas Christian University 

“Democracy from the Gender Edge”

Alessandra Gonzalez, Stanford University

“Do Source or Host Country Practices Dominate in Female Executive Hiring? Evidence from Firms in the GCC Countries”

Ibtesam Al Atiyat, St. Olaf College

“Repealing Rape Article 308: The Missed Opportunity to Women’s Emancipation in Jordan”

Chair: Joel Beinin, Stanford University


1:00-2:00 p.m.    Lunch


2:00-3:45 p.m.    Panel 3: Social Movements and Visions for Change

Dina El-Sharnouby, Freie Universität Berlin 

“The 2011 Revolutionary Movement in Egypt and Youth’s Socio-Political Imaginaries of Transformation and Change”

Mohamed Daadaoui, Oklahoma City University 

It’s Good to Be the King, or Is It? Protest Movements, the “refo-lutionary” promise of PJD Islamists and the King’s Dilemma in Morocco”

Nora Doaiji, Yale University

“After Saudi Women’s Driving: What Happens When A Marginal Movement Is Centered by the State”

Chair: Amr Hamzawy, Stanford University


DAY 2: Saturday April 28


8:30-9:00 a.m.    Breakfast


9:00-10:45 a.m.  Panel 4: The Economy, the State and New Social Actors

Mona Atia, The George Washington University 

“Territorial Restructuring and the Politics of Governing Poverty in Morocco”

Amr Adly, European University Institute

“Egypt's Shattered Oligarchy and Big Business Autonomy”

Mahmoud El-Gamal, Rice University 

“Egyptian Economic and De-Democratization Trends”

Chair: Lisa Blaydes, Stanford University


10:45-11:00 a.m. Coffee Break


11:00-12:30 p.m. Panel 5: Social Change and International and Regional Dynamics

Hicham Alaoui, Harvard University

"Geopolitical Myths and Realities under Neo-Authoritarianism"

Daniel Brumberg, Georgetown University 

“The Roots and Impact of Democracy Resistance and Autocracy Promotion in the Arab World”

Nancy Okail, The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy

"Political Reform, Security, and U.S. Middle East Policy"

Chair: Larry Diamond, Stanford University



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The event will be held at Stanford University. The exact location will be shared via e-mail with registered participants a week prior to the conference. Please read registration instructions below.

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