Renewable Resources

This two-day international forum at Stanford University brought together experts from academia, government, and industry to analyze leading cases of current institutional models for innovation in smart and green industries. Cases included multi-company collaborations, public-private partnerships, and government-funded consortia. To enable more focus and comparative analysis, sectors selected for focus included the built environment and intelligent transportation.

FORUM Speakers & DISCUSSANTS (listed in alphabetical order)

  • Rohit T. Aggarwala, Special Advisor to the Chair, C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group
  • Alan Beebe, Managing Director, China Greentech Initiative
  • Sven Beiker, Executive Director, Center for Automotive Research at Stanford (CARS)
  • Ann Bordetsky, North America Market Development, Better Place
  • Dennis Bracy, cEO, US-China Clean Energy Forum
  • Curtis R. Carlson, President and CEO, SRI International
  • Jaching Chou, Senior Transportation Analyst, Institute of Transportation
  • Stephen J. Eglash, Executive Director, Energy and Environment Affiliates Program, Stanford University
  • Henry Etzkowitz, President of Triple Helix Association; Senior Researcher, Human Sciences and Technology Advanced Research Institute (H-STAR), Stanford University; Visiting Professor at University of Edinburgh Business School
  • Gordon Feller, Director of Urban Innovation, Cisco Systems
  • TJ Glauthier, President, TJG Energy Associates, LLC
  • Russell Hancock, President & Chief Executive Officer, Joint Venture: Silicon Valley Network
  • Ted Howes, Business for Social Responsibility
  • Asim Hussain, Director of Product Marketing, Bloom Energy
  • Paul Chao-Chia Huang, Deputy General Director, Service Systems Technology Center, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan
  • Kristina M. Johnson, Former Under Secretary of Energy, U.S. Department of Energy
  • Jeffrey Heller, President, Heller Manus Architects
  • Allan King, Senior Manager, Institute for Information Industry, Taiwan
  • Michael Marlaire, Director, NASA Research Park
  • David Nieh, General Manager, Shui On Land Limited
  • Jon Sandelin, Senior Associate Emeritus, Office of Technology and Licensing, Stanford University
  • Gerald Sanders, CEO & Chairman, SkyTran
  • Tim Schweikert, President & CEO, China Region for GE Technology Infrastructure, GE
  • Jonathan Thorpe, Senior Vice President, Gale International
  • Kung Wang, Professor, China University of Technology
  • Sean Wang, President, ITRI International Inc.
  • Jonathan Woetzel, Director, McKinsey & Co; Co-Chair, Urban China Initiative

Questions for presentations and discussion included:

  • What roles are public-private partnerships and other forms of collaboration playing to advance innovations in smart green industries, such as in the built environment or intelligent transportation?
  • What innovations - not only in technologies and products but also in processes, models and platforms - are leading the way?
  • What results are emerging from living labs, leading cities, or other outstanding examples of public-private partnerships around the world?
  • How do results stack up against economic, energy and social metrics, e.g. economic productivity, quality of life, energy impact, financial payback, user response, etc.?
  • What are implications for business strategies?
  • What government policies are effectively nurturing advancement in these areas?

Outcomes will include policy recommendations as well as highlights to be included in a book published by SPRIE at Stanford.


In this analysis of the region, Hicham Ben Abdallah points out that, while political issues are important to understanding the authoritarian political structures of the Arab world, it is also important to understand the dynamics of culture.  Ben Abdallah demonstrates the proliferation of cultural practices through which societies and individuals learn to live in a complex mix of parallel and conflicting ideological tendencies -- with the increasing Islamicization of everyday ideology developing alongside the proliferation of secular forms of cultural production, while both negotiate for breathing room under the aegis of an authoritarian state. 

He describes how the state takes advantage of a segmented cultural scene by posing as a restraint against the extremes of the salafist norm, while channeling modernist cultural expression into safe institutional and patronage reward systems  and into a commercialized process of "festivalization," all of which celebrate a depoliticized "Arab" identity. 

Hicham Ben Abdallah refers us to the deep history of Islam, which protected divergent cultural and intellectual influences as the patrimony of mankind.  He suggests a new cultural paradigm, inspired by this history while understanding the necessity for political democratization and cultural modernism.  We must, he argues, be unafraid to face the challenges implied in the tension between the growing influence of a salafist norm and the widespread embrace of implicitly secular cultural practices throughout the Arab world.   

Hicham Ben Abdallah El Alaoui received a B.A. in Politics from Princeton University, and an M.A in Politics from Stanford University. He recently founded the Moulay Hicham Foundation for Social Science Research on North Africa and the Middle East, and serves as its Director.   

Through this Foundation he has established the Program on Good Governance and Political Reform in the Arab World, at The Freeman Spogli Institute's Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law at Stanford University.  Hicham Ben Abdallah is a member of the Advisory Board of the Freeman Spogli Institute. 

He has also recently founded a program in Global Climate Change, Democracy and Human Security (known as the "Climate Change and Democracy Project), in the Division of Social Sciences, Orfalea Center for Global and International Studies, at the University of California, Santa Barbara.   

In 1994, at Princeton University, Hicham Ben Abdallah endowed the Institute for the Trans-regional Study of the Contemporary Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia.  This Institute has become an important venue for study and debate on the region. 

Hicham Ben Abdallah is also active in global humanitarian and social issues. He serves on the Human Rights Watch Board of Directors for the Middle East and North Africa.   He has worked with the Carter Center on a number of initiatives, including serving as an international observer with the Carter Center delegations during elections in Palestine in 1996 and 2006, and in Nigeria in 2000.  In 2000, he served as Principal Officer for Community Affairs with the United Nations Mission in Kosovo . 

Hicham Ben Abdallah is also an entrepreneur in the domain of renewable energy.  His company, Al Tayyar Energy, develops projects that produce clean energy at competitive prices.  He has implemented several of these projects in Asia, Europe and North America.

CISAC Conference Room

Stanford University
Encina Hall
616 Serra Street
Stanford, CA 94305-6055

Consulting Professor

Hicham Ben Abdallah received his B.A. in Politics in 1985 from Princeton University, and his M.A. in Political Science from Stanford in 1997. His interest is in the politics of the transition from authoritarianism to democracy.

He has lectured in numerous universities and think tanks in North America and Europe. His work for the advancement of peace and conflict resolution has brought him to Kosovo as a special Assistant to Bernard Kouchner, and to Nigeria and Palestine as an election observer with the Carter Center. He has published in journals such Le Monde,  Le Monde Diplomatique,Pouvoirs, Le Debat, The Journal of Democracy, The New York Times, El Pais, and El Quds.

In 2010 he has founded the Moulay Hicham Foundation which conducts social science research on the MENA region. He is also an entrepreneur with interests in agriculture, real estate, and renewable energies. His company, Al Tayyar Energy, has a number of clean energy projects in Asia and Europe. 

Hicham Ben Abdallah Visiting Scholar Speaker CDDRL
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