Innovation Beyond Boundaries: Partnerships for Advancing Smart, Green Living

FORUM Speakers & DISCUSSANTS (listed in alphabetical order)
- Rohit T. Aggarwala, Special Advisor to the Chair, C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group
- Alan Beebe, Managing Director, China Greentech Initiative
- Sven Beiker, Executive Director, Center for Automotive Research at Stanford (CARS)
- Ann Bordetsky, North America Market Development, Better Place
- Dennis Bracy, cEO, US-China Clean Energy Forum
- Curtis R. Carlson, President and CEO, SRI International
- Jaching Chou, Senior Transportation Analyst, Institute of Transportation
- Stephen J. Eglash, Executive Director, Energy and Environment Affiliates Program, Stanford University
- Henry Etzkowitz, President of Triple Helix Association; Senior Researcher, Human Sciences and Technology Advanced Research Institute (H-STAR), Stanford University; Visiting Professor at University of Edinburgh Business School
- Gordon Feller, Director of Urban Innovation, Cisco Systems
- TJ Glauthier, President, TJG Energy Associates, LLC
- Russell Hancock, President & Chief Executive Officer, Joint Venture: Silicon Valley Network
- Ted Howes, Business for Social Responsibility
- Asim Hussain, Director of Product Marketing, Bloom Energy
- Paul Chao-Chia Huang, Deputy General Director, Service Systems Technology Center, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan
- Kristina M. Johnson, Former Under Secretary of Energy, U.S. Department of Energy
- Jeffrey Heller, President, Heller Manus Architects
- Allan King, Senior Manager, Institute for Information Industry, Taiwan
- Michael Marlaire, Director, NASA Research Park
- David Nieh, General Manager, Shui On Land Limited
- Jon Sandelin, Senior Associate Emeritus, Office of Technology and Licensing, Stanford University
- Gerald Sanders, CEO & Chairman, SkyTran
- Tim Schweikert, President & CEO, China Region for GE Technology Infrastructure, GE
- Jonathan Thorpe, Senior Vice President, Gale International
- Kung Wang, Professor, China University of Technology
- Sean Wang, President, ITRI International Inc.
- Jonathan Woetzel, Director, McKinsey & Co; Co-Chair, Urban China Initiative
Questions for presentations and discussion included:
- What roles are public-private partnerships and other forms of collaboration playing to advance innovations in smart green industries, such as in the built environment or intelligent transportation?
- What innovations - not only in technologies and products but also in processes, models and platforms - are leading the way?
- What results are emerging from living labs, leading cities, or other outstanding examples of public-private partnerships around the world?
- How do results stack up against economic, energy and social metrics, e.g. economic productivity, quality of life, energy impact, financial payback, user response, etc.?
- What are implications for business strategies?
- What government policies are effectively nurturing advancement in these areas?
Outcomes will include policy recommendations as well as highlights to be included in a book published by SPRIE at Stanford.