Gan Chern Xun

Gan Chern Xun

Gan Chern Xun

  • CDDRL Honors Student, 2022-23


Major: Political Science
Hometown: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Thesis Advisor: Larry Diamond

Tentative Thesis Title: Democracy in Post-GE14 Malaysia: A Missed Opportunity?

Future aspirations post-Stanford: I plan to pursue doctoral studies in the area of comparative politics, working toward a future career that advances knowledge and educates people on politics, governance, and social issues in Malaysia and Southeast Asia.

A fun fact about yourself: Both my dream occupation and dream university have changed since childhood, but life somehow found a way for me to spend some (great!) time in both of them.

In The News

CDDRL honors students at Brookings Institution

Honors College Day 3: Inspiring Research

This is the third in a series of blog posts written by the Fisher Family Honors Program class of 2023 detailing their experiences in Washington, D.C. for CDDRL's annual Honors College.
Honors College Day 3: Inspiring Research