Faith-based international NGOs and Human Rights: Highlights from World Vision's Experience

Faith-based international NGOs and Human Rights: Highlights from World Vision's Experience

Wednesday, February 18, 2015
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

Bechtel Conference Room, Encina Hall

  • Mark Lorey,
  • Helen Stacy

Speaker Bio

Mark Lorey serves as Vice President for Child Development and Programme Effectiveness in World Vision International. The group that he leads provides global technical leadership for World Vision's work in education, child protection, child participation, gender, disability, peace building, urban programming, local partnering and advocacy, and other technical areas. Mark has worked with World Vision for more than a decade. He has previously been based in Malawi, South Africa, and Zambia and worked with Save the Children, USAID, and other agencies. He currently lives near Washington, DC with his wife and two daughters.