Torture convention

Thoroughly updated to keep pace with the many new developments in international law, the Fifth Edition of this popular casebook covers the core topics, basic doctrines, and a broad range of foreign policy issues relevant to the contemporary public international law course.

Proven in the classroom, clearly organized, and with a distinctively accessible style, International Law offers

  • a comprehensive and effective blend of current issues and materials with basic international law principles and concepts
  • a balanced combination of relevant cases, excerpts, notes, questions, and other interdisciplinary materials representing a variety of perspectives and disciplines
  • an analysis of the relationship between international and domestic law and public and private law
  • treatment of such substantive topics as International Dispute Resolution, Criminal Law, Human Rights, Environmental Law, and the Use of Force
  • a complete teaching package, including a Teacher's Manual and a biannual Document Supplement
  • Reflecting the many recent developments in this area of the law, the Fifth Edition features:
  • a new co-author, Allen S. Weiner, who brings extensive first-hand knowledge of international legal institutions
  • a new chapter on International Criminal Law that includes current materials on extradition and rendition, the international crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions, torture, and the emergence of international tribunals, including the International Criminal Court
  • new cases, including Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, Sanchez-Llamas v. Oregon, Sosa v. Alvarez-Machain, American Insurance Assoc. v. Garamendi, Republic of Austria v. Altmann, Case Concerning Israel s Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (International Court of Justice), and Prosecutor v. Krstic (International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia)
  • an updated case study in Chapter 1 on the international law and policy implications of the September 11 attacks and the U.S. and world response to the attacks and to terrorism in general, with other materials on the war on terrorism throughout the book
  • expanded treatment of active areas of litigation, including the Alien Tort Statute and suits against foreign government officials and state agencies
  • an extensive updating of the European Union sections, including the implications of the addition of twelve new member states and the failure to pass the new Constitution
  • major revisions to the environmental law chapter that reflect the rapid developments in this area e.g., the Kyoto Protocol and efforts to combat global warming

Table of Contents

  1. What Is International Law?
  2. The Creation of International Norms Treaties, Customary Law, International Organizations, and Private Norm-Creation
  3. International Law in the United States
  4. International Dispute Resolution
  5. States and Other Major International Entities
  6. Foreign Sovereign Immunity and the Act of State Doctrine
  7. Allocation of Legal Authority Among States
  8. International Human Rights
  9. Law of the Sea
  10. International Environmental Law
  11. Use of Force and Arms Control
  12. International Criminal Law
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Aspen Publishers
Barry E. Carter
Phillip R. Trimble
Allen S. Weiner

Scott Horton is a leading authority on international law regarding torture. He led an American Bar Association investigation into standards of treatment for detainees which was published in April 2004. He was a consultant for those representing Guantanamo Bay detainees, advising them on the legal implications of officially sanctioned torture. He contributed to the recent book, "The Torture Papers: the Road to Abu Ghraib."

An attorney and human rights defender, Scott represented Andrei Sakharov, Elena Bonner and other leaders of the human rights movement in the formerly communist world for more than twenty years. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and an advisor to its Center on Preventive Action, the president of the International League for Human Rights, chair of the New York City Bar's Committee on International Law, and an adjunct professor at Columbia University Law School. He has appeared as a commentator on international law issues on BBC's Panorama, ABC's 20/20 and Nightline, the CBS Evening News, NBC Dateline, CNN's Paula Zahn Show, PBS's NOW with Bill Moyers and as a frequent guest on the Newshour with Jim Lehrer.

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Scott Horton Partner Patterson, Belknap, Webb & Tyler.
Allen S. Weiner
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In an opinion column published June 9 in the Los Angeles Times, CDDRL faculty member and former State Department lawyer Allen Weiner says he feels "betrayed" by recent revelations that the U.S. appears to be disregarding international treaties prohibiting the torture of prisoners.
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