Mira Foster

Mira Foster

Mira Foster

  • Director of Education, The World House Project

Encina Hall, S051
616 Jane Stanford Way
Stanford, CA 94305-6055

650.776.4129 (voice)


As the Director of Education for the World House Project, Mira Foster oversees the development of educational resources designed to reach broad audiences interested in learning about the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., the civil rights movement, and other global struggles for freedom and justice. She promotes the creation of innovative learning material, building upon the work of The Martin Luther King Jr. Research and Education Institute, the King Papers Project, and the Liberation Curriculum.

Mira received her Ph.D. in Public History from UC Santa Barbara. She has authored numerous lesson plans, produced the World House Podcast, and organizes the annual King Film Festivals, among other educational events. She is currently producing multi-media courses for the Stanford Continuing Studies Program in collaboration with Dr. Clayborne Carson.

In The News

King at Press Conf

New Continuing Studies Course with Clayborne Carson

Available through Stanford Continuing Studies, "American Prophet: The Life and Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr." will run online for eight weeks on Thursdays from January 20 through March 10, 2022.
cover link New Continuing Studies Course with Clayborne Carson