Election 2016: Recapping the Presidential Race
Election 2016: Recapping the Presidential Race
Thursday, November 10, 201612:00 PM - 1:30 PM (Pacific)
**We are no longer accepting RSVPs. This event is at capacity. Please join us via Facebook Live.**
The Presidential Election of 2016 has been unlike any in modern American history. How will voters decide between Donald J. Trump and Hillary Clinton on Election Day? What issues dominated the election in the final days of each campaign, and what consequences will this campaign have on the Republican and Democratic parties? What does this election mean for political polarization, campaign finance reform, and the rise of social media?
Join a panel discussion with Larry Diamond, Francis Fukuyama, Bruce Cain, and Nate Persily of the Program on American Democracy in Comparative Perspective at Stanford's Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law after the election. The panel will discuss the candidates, the campaigns, and the implications for American democracy.
And join the conversation on Twitter: @StanfordCDDRL #CDDRLrecap
Speaker(s) Bio:

Francis Fukuyama is the Olivier Nomellini Senior Fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies (FSI) and the Mosbacher Director of FSI's Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law (CDDRL). He is also a professor by courtesy in the Department of Political Science. He was previously at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) of Johns Hopkins University, where he was the Bernard L. Schwartz Professor of International Political Economy and director of SAIS' International Development program.

Larry Diamond is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies. He also serves as the Peter E. Haas Faculty Director of the Haas Center for Public Service at Stanford. For more than six years, he directed FSI’s Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law, and he continues to lead its programs on Liberation Technology, Arab Reform and Democracy, and Democracy in Taiwan. He is the founding co-editor of the Journal of Democracy and also serves as Senior Consultant at the International Forum for Democratic Studies of the National Endowment for Democracy.

Bruce E. Cain is a Professor of Political Science at Stanford University and Director of the Bill Lane Center for the American West. He received a BA from Bowdoin College (1970), a B Phil. from Oxford University (1972) as a Rhodes Scholar, and a Ph D from Harvard University (1976). He taught at Caltech (1976-89) and UC Berkeley (1989-2012) before coming to Stanford. Professor Cain was Director of the Institute of Governmental Studies at UC Berkeley from 1990-2007 and Executive Director of the UC Washington Center from 2005-2012.

Nathaniel Persily is a James B. McClatchy Professor and Professor, by courtesy, of Political Science and of Communication at Stanford Law School. He received J.D. from Stanford Law School in 1998 and M.A. in 1994; PhD in Political Science in 2002 from U.C. Berkeley. He served as Senior Research Director at the Presidential Commission on Election Administration June 2013-2014.