Mongolia adopts deliberative method developed by Stanford professor

Mongolia adopts deliberative method developed by Stanford professor

A method of public opinion-gathering developed by a Stanford communication professor has been adopted by the Mongolian government, which now requires that “deliberative polling” be conducted prior to amending the country’s constitution.
Gombojavyn Zandanshatar and James Fishkin Gombojavyn Zandanshatar, Mongolia's Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade from 2009 to 2012, and today's member of the parliament comes to Stanford's Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law as a visiting scholar. During his time at CDDRL (2014 - 2016), Zandanshatar learns about Stanford's Center for Deliberative Democracy and their work on deliberative polling. Today Mongolia is the first country to pass the law on Deliberative Polling for Constitutional amendments. Photo Courtesy of Stanford News. Courtesy of Stanford News

A method of public opinion-gathering developed by a Stanford communication professor has been adopted by the Mongolian government, which now requires that “deliberative polling” be conducted prior to amending the country’s constitution.

Janet M. Peck Professor of International Communication James Fishkin created deliberative polling three decades ago. His in-depth technique involves gathering randomly sampled members of a population together to discuss an issue in small groups with moderators. Polling participants are guided through balanced briefings and can also ask questions of experts on hand. The process, which generally spans two days, seeks to gauge more informed views than would normally be possible.

Read the full article in The Stanford Daily.