LAD Course: Singapore Management University 2016
LAD Course: Singapore Management University 2016
Monday, February 1, 2016 | 8:30 AM - Friday, February 5, 2016 | 5:30 PM
Singapore Management University
This module addresses the challenges faced by public sector leaders as they foster economic growth in politically charged environments. Offered in partnership with the Leadership Academy for Development (LAD) at Stanford University and Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, it uses case studies (mostly drawn from Asia) on how public policy can help the private sector be a constructive force for economic growth and development. A driving principle of the LAD module is that policy reform is not like engineering or other technical fields that have discrete skills and clear, optimal solutions. Instead, successful reformers must be politically aware and weigh a broad range of factors that influence policy outcomes. They must have a solid grasp of country-specific economic, financial, political and cultural realities. Most importantly, they must have a sense of how to set priorities, sequence actions and build coalitions. LAD provides participants with an analytical framework to build these leadership abilities and operate effectively under adverse conditions. Major themes are 1) Providing public goods efficiently 2) Bypassing Bureaucratic Obstacles, 3) Facilitating private Investment, and 4) Strengthening the role of the state as economic catalyst.
oster economic growth in
politically charged environments. Offered in partnership with the Leadership Academ
y for Development
(LAD) at Stanford University and Johns Hopkins University School of Ad
vanced International Studies, it
uses case studies (mostly drawn from Asia) on how public policy can help the
private sector be a
constructive force for economic growth and development. A driving principl
e of the LAD module is that
policy reform is not like engineering or other technical fields that have disc
rete skills and clear, optimal
solutions. Instead, successful reformers must be politically aware and weigh a
broad range of factors that
influence policy outcomes. They must have a solid grasp of country-spec
ific economic, financial, political
and cultural realities. Most importantly, they must have a sense of how to set
priorities, sequence
actions and build coalitions. LAD provides participants with an analytical
framework to build these
leadership abilities and operate effectively under adverse conditions. Major themes a
re 1) Providing
public goods efficiently 2) Bypassing Bureaucratic Obstacles, 3) Facilitating priv
ate Investment, and 4)
Strengthening the role of the state as economic catalyst.