Frontline Battles for Civil Rights and LGBT+ Equality: Breaking Myths

Frontline Battles for Civil Rights and LGBT+ Equality: Breaking Myths

Tuesday, January 22, 2019
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
William J. Perry Conference Room
Encina Hall, Second Floor, Central, C231
616 Jane Stanford Way, Stanford, CA 94305
Recent decades of rapid social transformations across the globe provoked tectonic shifts: minorities are more visible than ever, equality movements spread across many borders and historic milestones were achieved. However, the same globalization processes allowed hate groups to become smarter, more effective and coordinate globally. "Transborder Hate Movements" is new, but overlooked phenomenon of internationally organized effort by vast spectrum of hate groups utilizing politics and disinformation to trump equality movements all across emerging democracies and in the Global South. It is also a strengthening ideology binding millions from Russia to the US and from Brazil to Uganda. Breaking myths about what an actual frontline against civil rights inequality really looks like in 2019 is key for figuring out an adequate response. First step would be to realize that global fight against homophobia won't be winnable without fully addressing civil rights inequality in the West.

Speaker Bio:

Maxim Eristavi is the only openly gay journalist coming from Ukraine, one of the few in Eastern Europe. Self-described 'bridge-builder', his work concentrates on amplifying and explaining stories from global frontline battles for equal human and civil rights. He is a research fellow with the Atlantic Council, a DC-based foreign policy think-tank; co-founder of the Russian Language News Exchange, the biggest support network for independent journalism in Eastern Europe; policy adviser at the European Parliament; writer for Washington Post, Politico, Foreign Policy, among others and sits on the managing board of Kyiv Pride, the biggest pride event in the post-Soviet space. Eristavi is a 2015 Poynter fellow at Yale University with a focus on informational wars and pan-regional LGBTI civil rights movements. Find out more at