Notes and Presentations from "Supply Chain of the Future", Jan 29, 2009
Notes and Presentations from "Supply Chain of the Future", Jan 29, 2009
Welcome and Introductions
Joshua Cohen, Stanford University
Hau L. Lee, Stanford University
Notes - Introduction ( 112.37 KB )
Session 1: Experiments on Ethical Consumption
A new generation of research is emerging, based on experiments and surveys, about how consumers respond to ethical labeling (fair trade, green). The first session will report the results of some recent field and online experiments that suggest that consumers are willing to pay for ethically branded products.
Notes from Session 1: Ethical Consumption ( 110.8 KB )
- Mike Hiscox and Jens Hainmueller, Harvard University Hiscox Hainmueller presentation ( 1 MB
- Margaret Levi, University of Washington Levi Presentation ( 43.38 KB
- Yotam Margalit, Stanford University
- Dara O’Rourke, GoodGuide, University of California, BerkeleyO'Rourke Presentation ( 2.01 MB
Session Two: Creating a Sustainable Supply Chain: Innovative Models and Best Practices
This session will focus on new regulatory models and best company practices that can improve supply chain environmental performance.
Notes from Session 2: Environmental Best Practices ( 114.16 KB )
- Edgar Blanco, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Blanco Presentation ( 1.5 MB
- Bonnie Nixon, Hewlett Packard Nixon Presentation ( 2.56 MB
- Erica Plambeck, Stanford University Plambeck Presentation ( 155.82 KB
- Charles Sabel, Columbia University
Session Three: New Approaches to Improving Labor Conditions
Panelists will discuss innovative approaches to improving labor conditions in global supply chains.
Notes from Session 3: New Labor Approaches ( 99.25 KB )
- Salo Vinocur Coslovsky, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Colovsky Presentation ( 21.24 KB
- Mary Gallagher, University of Michigan Gallagher Presentation ( 571.33 KB
- Rick Locke, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyLocke Presentation ( 33.3 KB
- Andrew Schrank, University of New MexicoSchrank Presentation ( 74.5 KB
Session Four: Looking Forward
In the final session, we will have a moderated discussion aimed at identifying a focused set of questions about new challenges and how they can be addressed in socially and environmentally responsible ways. Representatives from Nike (Caitlin Morris) and Phillips-Van Heusen (Marcela Manubens) will open the conversation by briefly discussing recent supply chain initiatives that they have been working on and addressing how they relate to the issues and themes raised in the previous 3 panels.
Notes from Session 4: Looking Forward ( 86.5 KB )
Participants ( 28.37 KB )