Evgeny Morozov


Evgeny Morozov

Program on Liberation Technology
616 Serra Street E108
Stanford, California 94305


Evgeny Morozov is a visiting scholar in the Liberation Technology Program at Stanford University and a Scwhartz fellow at the New America Foundation. He is also a blogger and contributing editor to Foreign Policy Magazine. He is a former Yahoo fellow at the Institute for the Study of Diplomacy at Georgetown University and a former fellow at the Open Society Institute, where he remains on the board of the Information Program. His book The Net Delusion: The Dark Side of Internet Freedom was published by PublicAffairs in January 2011.

In The News

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Patrick Meier and Evgeny Morozov to join the Program as Visiting Scholars

cover link Patrick Meier and Evgeny Morozov to join the Program as Visiting Scholars