Former Egyptian MP Amr Hamzawy speaks on shifts in liberal thought in Egypt

Former Egyptian MP Amr Hamzawy speaks on shifts in liberal thought in Egypt

amr hamzawy talk 22513840242 o Amr Hamzawy presents his talk 'Anti-democratic Deceptions: How Egyptian Liberals Endorse Autocracy' to the CDDRL community. 27 Oct. 2015. Sadaf Minapara

On October 27, CDDRL's Program on Arab Reform and Democracy welcomed former Egyptian Member of Parliament Amr Hamzawy, who shared his thoughts on recent shifts in liberal thought in Egypt over the past several years. During his talk, Hamzawy highlighted the challenges in defining liberalism in Egypt, providing evidence that large numbers of self-proclaimed Egyptian liberals are in fact turning against democratic values and expressing considerable support for the current government under President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, legitimizing the military intervention in 2013. Despite this support, Hamzawy believes that youth on the polar end of the liberal spectrum hold the potential to bring about pro-democratic change throughout the country in the coming years. See photos and view a video of Hamzawy's talk at CDDRL below. 

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