CDDRL's research community expands

CDDRL's research community expands

CDDRL is pleased to welcome new (and returning) faculty, staff, pre and post-doctoral fellows, and visiting scholars to our expanding research community for the 2011-12 academic year. Enriching our ranks with new scholars and practitioners, allows CDDRL to expand the breadth and scope of our work and global impact. Please join us in welcoming these new colleagues to the CDDRL community.

Faculty and Staff

Jeremy Weinstein, Associate Professor of Political Science, who has just rejoined CDDRL after serving for the last two years as Director of Democracy at the National Security Council. Jeremy will be delivering a CDDRL seminar on November 3 on policy perspectives under the Obama administration                                                                                                            

Stephen Stedman, FSI Senior Fellow, recently joined CDDRL as a member of our core faculty 

General Karl Eikenberry, CDDRL and CISAC Affiliated Faculty, and Payne Distinguished Lecturer at FSI. General Eikenberry's first public lecture will held at the Cemex Auditorium at the Knight Management Center on Monday, October 3, at 5:30 p.m. on "Improving Governance and Combating Drugs".

Kavita Ramdas joined CDDRL in August as the executive director of the newly launched Program on Social Entrepreneurship at CDDRL

Nadejda Marques, is the new program manager for the CDDRL Program on Human Rights

Samantha Maskey is the new administrative assistant to Steve Stedman and Francis Fukuyama

CDDRL pre and post-doctoral fellows arrived in September to begin their year-long residency at CDDRL:

Mike Albertus, CDDRL Postdoctoral Fellow from Stanford University

Eric Kramon, CDDRL Pre-doctoral Fellow from UCLA

Reo Matsuzaki, CDDRL Postdoctoral Fellow from MIT

Alex Ruiz Euler, CDDRL Pre-doctoral Fellow from UCSD

CDDRL Visiting Scholars

Andrea Abel, Visiting Scholar, Commission on Global Election Integrity

Henrik Larsen, Visiting Researcher from the Danish Institute for International Studies

Brenna Powell, Visiting Scholar, Commission on Global Election Integrity

Brenna PowellA9/">Landry Signe, Postdoctoral Scholar from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

Daniel Zoughbie, Visiting Scholar Program on Arab Reform and Democracy, CEO and President of Microclinic International