Stanford US-Russia Forum Capstone Conference

Stanford US-Russia Forum Capstone Conference

Wednesday, April 18, 2012
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Black Community Service Center 418 Santa Teresa Street Stanford, California


Stanford U.S.-Russia Forum Capstone Conference

April 18 - 20, 2012, Stanford University

                                                                                CONFERENCE AGENDA

 Day 1 Wednesday, April 18th, 2012

 12:00 - 1:00pm Lunch

 1:30 - 2:30pm Panel: Business

 Speakers: Birger Steen, Parallels CEO; Bobby Chao, DFJ DragonFund Managing

 Director; David Yang, ABBYY Founder and Chairman of the Board

 Moderator: Alexandra Johnson, DFJ

 Topic: International Entrepreneurs and VCs in Conversation

 4:30 - 6pm Keynote

 Speaker: Francis Fukuyama

 Topic: Regime Change in Middle East and Post-Soviet Space

 6:00 - 7:00pm Dinner 

Day 2 Thursday, April 19th, 2012 

 9:15 - 10:30am Delegate Presentations -- Civil Society

 Groups: U.S.-Russia Perceptions, Corruption

 11:00am - 12:30pm Panel: Civil Society

 Speakers: Professor Kathryn Stoner-Weiss of Stanford, Professor Steve Fish of


 Moderator: Dr. Patricia Young of Stanford

 Topic: The Post-Election Political Landscape in Moscow

 12:30 - 2:30pm: Joint BBQ with the Russian Student Association

 Performance: Fleet Street

 2:30 - 3:30pm Speaker: Gender

 Speaker: Professor Katherine Jolluck, Stanford

 Topic: Women in the Post-Soviet Sphere

 5:15 - 7:15pm Delegate Presentations -- Economy

 Groups: Investment Banking, Public-Private Partnerships, Resource Curse

 Day 3 Friday, April 20th, 2012

 9:30 - 11:00am Panel: Nuclear Defense

 Speakers: Professor David Holloway of Stanford, Ambassador Jack Matlock of

 Columbia, Professor Theodore Postol of MIT

 Moderator: Dr. Benoît Pelopidas of Stanford

 Topic: NATO, US and Russia & Cooperative Missile Defense

 11:30am - 1:30 pm Delegate Presentations -- Security

 Groups: Afghanistan, Missile Defense, Space

 1:45 - 2:45pm Lunch

 3:00 - 4:30pm Speaker: Foreign Policy

 Speakers: Professor Abbas Milani of Stanford

 Topic: Russia, U.S. and Iran Sanctions

 4:45 - 6:00pm Delegate Presentations -- Institutions

 Groups: Education, Immigration

 6:30-8:30pm Closing Dinner

 Keynote: Professor Stephen Walt of Harvard

 Additional Information:

 Meals only for SURF delegates, officers and paid attendees.

 All presentations and panels will be held at the Black Community Services

Center, Room 418

Santa Teresa Street, Stanford, CA.

The closing dinner will be held at the Stanford Faculty Club, 439 Lagunita Drive

Stanford, CA.

The Closing Dinner is available by invitation only