Why is Osman Kavala in jail? Law, politics and human rights in Turkey
Why is Osman Kavala in jail? Law, politics and human rights in Turkey
Wednesday, September 29, 202110:00 AM - 11:15 AM (Pacific)
Online via Zoom. Register Now

Osman Kavala, a Turkish philanthropist and civil society leader, has been in jail for four years without conviction. He was previously acquitted from two lawsuits to attempt to overthrow the government and the constitutional order; now, he is standing trial for a third. The European Convention on Human Rights ruled in December 2020 that Turkey violated European Convention on Human Rights and ordered his immediate release.
Join us in this webinar about Kavala's work for democracy and his ongoing imprisonment at the intersection of law, politics, and human rights in Turkey.
Hosted by Francis Fukuyama (Stanford University) and Silvia von Steinsdorff (Humboldt University Berlin)
- Seyla Benhabib, Eugene Meyer Professor of Political Science and Professor of Philosophy at Yale University
- Dani Rodrik, Ford Foundation Professor of International Political Economy at Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government and President of the International Economic Association
- Ayşe Bingöl Demir, LL.M. Co-director of Turkey Litigation Support Project
Co-organized by the Center for Comparative Research on Democracy (CCRD) at Humboldt University Berlin and the Transatlantic Platform for Democracy in Turkey