To be "dam"-ed: Navigating Stakeholder Relations to Bring Energy to Africa with Inga 3

To be "dam"-ed: Navigating Stakeholder Relations to Bring Energy to Africa with Inga 3

This case follows the development of the Inga 3, the third hydroelectric plant to be built on the Inga River in the Democratic Republic of Congo.  The Inga 3, with a capacity of 3,000 MW, would provide clean energy to the continent and a next step for President Obama’s Power Africa Initiative. Following the World Bank’s 2014 loan for Technical Assistance and the geopolitics of the region, there is a greater need to secure full project funding.  This case places the USAID Administrator, Rajiv Shah, at the center of the decision making process as he navigates funding options in the United States and abroad to move the Inga 3 forward.