Mary Hilderbrand
Mary Hilderbrand

Mary Hilderbrand has been Associate Professor of Practice at the George H.W. Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University from 2015-2022. She has been part of the Public Service and Administration Department, teaching courses on comparative public management, governance reform, the nonprofit sector, and NGO management. Previously, she spent almost twenty years between Harvard Kennedy School of Government and Harvard Institute for International Development.
She holds a PhD in political science from Harvard University. Her research interests are the politics of economic reform, institutional capacity, development assistance, state reform, and civil society and development. Some of her most rewarding work has been helping to establish post-graduate public policy programs in Bolivia, Mexico, and Indonesia. In addition, she has experience managing development projects and has done consulting on capacity development and public sector reform for the United Nations Development Programme and the Inter-American Development Bank, among other organizations.