Dinsha Mistree

Dinsha Mistree

Dinsha Mistree

  • Research Fellow, Hoover Institution
  • Research Fellow, Rule of Law (SLS)
  • CDDRL Affiliated Scholar
  • CDDRL Postdoctoral Scholar, 2015-16
Encina Hall, C147 616 Jane Stanford Way Stanford, CA 94305-6055


Dinsha Mistree is a research fellow at the Hoover Institution, where he manages the Program on Strengthening US-Indian Relations. He is also a research fellow in the Rule of Law Program at Stanford Law School and an affiliated scholar at the Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law. Dr. Mistree studies the relationship between governance and economic growth in developing countries. His scholarship concentrates on the political economy of legal systems, public administration, and education policy, with a regional focus on India. He holds a Ph.D. and an M.A. in Politics from Princeton University, with an S.M. and an S.B. from MIT. He previously held a postdoctoral fellowship at CDDRL and was a visiting scholar at IIM-Ahmedabad.


August 2024

The Troubling State of India's Democracy

The Troubling State of India's Democracy
Journal Articles
July 2024

Evidence of turmeric adulteration with lead chromate across South Asia

Evidence of turmeric adulteration with lead chromate across South Asia
November 2023

Taking Stock of India’s Democracy

Taking Stock of India’s Democracy

In The News

Indian flag with text "Matters of Policy and Politics" overlayed

India, Before It Was Cool

Šumit Ganguly joins Dinsha Mistree on the Hoover Institution's "Matters of Policy and Politics" podcast with host Bill Whalen to discuss what the future holds for India, which has the world’s largest population and whose demographics are changing, as well as its tastes in work, leisure, and family planning.
India, Before It Was Cool