New Global Network Member
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We are a global network of organizations and individuals committed to human rights and nonviolence. The World House Global Network facilitates communication and collaboration among people working on local and global levels for peace and justice. Our goal is to build solidarity and grow the sense of community among all people defending human rights nonviolently and realizing King's vision of peaceful coexistence in the World House.
The World House Global Network operates through:
- Weekly network meetings where network participants report about their work and learn from others about local and global human rights issues.
- Participants organize their work through working groups. Working groups are recognized participants of the World House Project Global Network that (1) organize around a common interest (2) subscribe to the World House Global Network mission and guidelines for working groups and (3) submit a Working Group Statement of Organization and Purpose to the respective working group category (research, education, and activism) coordinator.
The World House Global Network (WHGN), also known as the Gandhi-King Global Network (GKGN), is led by Dr. Clayborne Carson, the founding director of The Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and Education Institute at Stanford University. The network was founded during the international Gandhi-King conference, which took place at Stanford University in October 2019, commemorating the 150th Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi’s birth.
Prominent scholars and activists convened to discuss the legacies of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr., in the contemporary global context. Ela Gandhi and Rajmohan Gandhi (grandchildren of Mahatma Gandhi), Martin Luther King III and his family, Anthony Chavez and Juanita Chavez, the grandson of Cesar Chavez and the daughter of Dolores Huerta, respectively, Sister Helen Prejean, and James Lawson were among the honored guests.
Since this historic gathering, the World House Global Network continues to build an international network of organizations, grassroots groups, and individuals committed to the nonviolent struggle for human rights. This network enables and supports collaboration between all people inspired by King's vision of a just and peaceful world.
A. Human Rights have been at the center of philosophical and political debates for centuries. The World House Global Network connects to the ongoing discussion on Human Rights and the larger historical discourse on humanity's attempts to organize societies and acknowledge the dignity of every human being. The Network examines global conflicts and possible solutions through the Human Rights lens while working toward a more just and peaceful existence for all people.
A. The World House Global Network believes that human rights and nonviolence are virtuously reciprocal. That is, one cannot have a nonviolent society indeed without invoking human rights or human rights without invoking nonviolence. In other words, a nonviolent world is a human right.
A. There are no requirements or responsibilities. If your time permits, we welcome your participation in our weekly Friday meetings. We hope you will share your thoughts and ideas in support of human rights and nonviolence and respectfully, contribute to the group discussion.
A. The HUB is a digital forum where you can connect and communicate with other WHGN participants. To join the HUB request access by emailing us.
A. Working groups are recognized participants of the World House Project Global Network that (1) organize around a common interest, (2) subscribe to TWHP’s mission and guidelines for working groups, and (3) submit a Working Group Statement of Organization and Purpose to the respective working group category (research, education, and technical support) coordinator. Use the link below to see the current working groups. To organize a working group please fill out the form below.
A. Yes. Please watch the video for specific instructions on how to donate and ensure your donation is directed to the WHGN.
A. The WHGN meets on zoom regularly every Friday at 10:00 AM PST. If you are a network participant you should automatically receive an email invite prior to every Friday. You can also virtually meet the participants on the HUB.
A. Meet some of the network participants here.
A. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the World House Global Network Team. Use the link below to send us an email.