Katherine Welsh

Katherine Welsh Headshot

Katherine Welsh

  • Assistant to Francis Fukuyama
  • Assistant to Larry Diamond

Encina Hall, C139

616 Jane Stanford Way

Stanford, CA 94305-6055

(650) 725-9608 (voice)


Kathy holds an MA in International Affairs from The George Washington University. Her BA from UC Santa Barbara is in Political Science with an international relations emphasis. Kathy worked as Program Coordinator in Stanford's Center for African Studies and then left full-time employment to raise two sons. Before coming to CDDRL in 2017, she spent the previous five years as an administrative associate in Stanford Global Studies.

Kathy and her husband lived in Namibia for one year as volunteer high school teachers just after Namibia's independence. She has been a liaison between African NGOs and her church, traveling to South Africa and to Ethiopia.  Kathy's favorite local charity is Bayshore Christian Ministiries, an education nonprofit in East Palo Alto.