To view more media from the conference, please visit: -------… Bio: Paul Heritage is a Professor of Drama and Performance at Queen Mary University of London, International Associate at Young Vic, Associate Producer at Barbican, and International Adviser to the Brazilian Ministry of Culture on the “Cultura Viva” (Living Culture) initiative. For over two decades, Paul created arts-based prison projects in Britain and Brazil, reaching tens of thousands of prisoners, guards, and their families with projects including award-winning HIV/AIDs education and human rights work. As a producer, Dr. Heritage has worked with major UK arts institutions to bring leading Brazilian companies to British audiences. In 2006 he set up the Favela to the World Program, a partnership between People’s Palace Projects, cultural group Afroreggae, and a range of UK partners. From 2009-2012 he was funded by the Arts & Humanities Research Council for a three-year research investigation of the knowledge transfer between Brazilian favela-based artists and youth and community groups in the UK who use the arts to achieve individual and social change. Ongoing practice-based research projects since 2010 include Points of Contact, an inspirational Brazil-UK cultural exchange program for mid-career artists, policymakers and funders focused on Brazil’s “Ponto de Cultura” (Culture Point) program. -------- This presentation was presented during CDDRL's Program on Poverty and Governance's 2015 conference, "Educational and Entrepreneurial Initiatives to Support Youth in Places of Violence." The conference was held on April 28-29, 2015, at Stanford University. For more information on the Program on Poverty and Governance, please visit: For more information on Stanford's Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law, please visit: