This talk is presented in Portuguese. To view more media from the conference, please visit: ----Spe… Bio: Marcus Faustini, a 43-year-old Carioca born and raised in Cezarão - the largest residential complex ever built for poor residents of Rio located in Santa Cruz, the West zone of the city - has a multi-faceted career as a writer, filmmaker, theater director, producer, educator and cultural activist. Faustini has been an important player in the cultural scene in Rio since 1998 and also had a significant role in the student movement, serving as vice- president of Rio's Student Association. He is the mastermind behind the educational methodology “Agência de Redes Para Juventude” (Network for Youth Agency) created to benefit youth and young adults living in "pacified" favelas of Rio de Janeiro, peripheries and other selected regions of the city. He is a weekly columnist at O GLOBO -one of the most important newspapers in Brazil - where he writes about culture, identity, behavior, access to the city and share possibilities for social development, integration and ideas for change. Some of the awards and public recognitions Marcus has received throughout the years include the "Make a Difference" award (2012), the Orilaxé Ruman Rights Award (2010), UK's Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Award (2012), and the Shell Theater Award (2012) for leading innovative work in Rio's Home Theater Festival. --- This presentation was presented during CDDRL's Program on Poverty and Governance's 2015 conference, "Educational and Entrepreneurial Initiatives to Support Youth in Places of Violence." The conference was held on April 28-29, 2015, at Stanford University. For more information on the Program on Poverty and Governance, please visit: For more information on Stanford's Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law, please visit: