This video is presented in Portuguese. To view more media from the conference, please visit: ----Spe… Bio: Ivana Bentes was recently appointed as Brazil’s National Secretary of Citizenship and Culture Diversity. She completed her Masters and Ph.D. at the Graduate School of Communications from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), which she directed from 2006 to 2013 and currently serves as a Senior Researcher and Fellow. Ivana is a cultural activist who has played an important role in the development of research initiatives and action projects in the communication and cultural fields. Her work focuses on the role of communication, visual production and contemporary culture within the scope of global peripheries, new theoretical models in cognitive capitalism and the aesthetic of communication. She coordinated a large federal initiative in Rio de Janeiro called “Pontão de Cultura Digital” (Digital Culture Site) aimed at assisting in the development of cultural centers established by Brazil’s Ministry of Culture and supporting the dissemination of free software for cultural production in the free media. --- This presentation was presented during CDDRL's Program on Poverty and Governance's 2015 conference, "Educational and Entrepreneurial Initiatives to Support Youth in Places of Violence." The conference was held on April 28-29, 2015, at Stanford University. For more information on the Program on Poverty and Governance, please visit: For more information on Stanford's Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law, please visit: