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Humberto Leon, "Reforma" Newspaper (Mexico)

  • Humberto Leon

This talk is presented in Spanish. To view more media from the conference, please visit: ----Spe… Bio:  Humberto Padgett Leon is a journalist and writer with extensive experience investigating into issues of crime and violence in Mexico. He has worked as a journalist at “Reforma” – a daily nationwide newspaper based in Mexico City – and currently belongs to the editorial team of the magazine “Emeequis.” He is the author of several books including Histórias Mexicanas de Mujeres Asesinas, 2008 (Mexican Stories of Women Assassins), Jauría: La Verdadera História del Secustro em México, 2010 (Jauría: Mexico’s True Kidnapping Story), and more recently, Los Muchachos Perdidos: Retratos y História de Una Generación Entregada al Crimen, 2012 (The Lost Boys: Portraits and Stories of a Generation Handed Over to Crime). Some of the most important awards in recognition of his work received throughout the years include the Mexican National Award of Journalism (awarded to him in two different occasions), the Mexican National Award of Cultural Journalism Fernando Benítez, the Ibero-American Award of Youth Journalism, the Fifth Award of Journalism in Latin America (conceded by the United Nations Development Program and Inter Press Service), the Second National Award for Biodiversity Reporting as well as the International King of Spain Award (in conjunction with Dalia Martínez) for a report entitled La República Marihuanera (The Marihuana-making Republic). Humberto studied Journalism and Communication at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). ----------- This presentation was presented during CDDRL's Program on Poverty and Governance's 2015 conference, "Educational and Entrepreneurial Initiatives to Support Youth in Places of Violence." The conference was held on April 28-29, 2015, at Stanford University. For more information on the Program on Poverty and Governance, please visit: For more information on Stanford's Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law, please visit: