Please note that this talk is in Spanish. To view more media from the conference, please visit: To view a PDF version of the presentation, please visit: ---------- Claudia Domínguez was a teacher in Mexico for many years before she became the director for the Institute for Training and Educational Supply (Instituto de Capacitación y Oferta Educativa) in the municipality of Zapopan in the state of Jalisco, Mexico. She is one of the creators of the program Jóvenes con Porvenir. She holds an M.A. in Education methodology and a Ph.D. in education. ---------- This presentation was presented during CDDRL's Program on Poverty and Governance's 2015 conference, "Educational and Entrepreneurial Initiatives to Support Youth in Places of Violence." The conference was held on April 28-29, 2015, at Stanford University. For more information on the Program on Poverty and Governance, please visit: For more information on Stanford's Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law, please visit: