Sustainability, Equity, and Rights: Human-Animal-Nature Interactions and Intersections
Sustainability, Equity, and Rights: Human-Animal-Nature Interactions and Intersections
Monday, March 12, 20126:00 PM - 8:00 PM (Pacific)
Margaret Jacks Hall (Bldg 460)
Terrace room, 4th floor
This workshop is part of the Program on Human Rights Collaboratory: Environmental Humanities Series, an interdisciplinary investigation of human rights in the humanities. The Series is funded under the Stanford Presidential Fund for Innovation in International Studies as the third in a sequence of pursuing peace and security, improving governance and advancing well-being. Mia MacDonald is the founder and executive director of Brighter Green a non-profit public policy "action tank" focused on equity and rights: issues of environment, animals, and sustainable development both globally and locally.