Program on Human Rights Workshop on Human Trafficking
Program on Human Rights Workshop on Human Trafficking
Friday, April 20, 20129:00 AM - 5:00 PM (Pacific)
As part of PHR's work to organize an edited volume capturing some of the main issues related to human trafficking addressed during the Winter Series, on April 20, authors will present their papers to a panel of experts.
The authors and papers that we anticipate will be presented at the workshop are as follows:
Katherine Jolluck, Trafficking of women in Eastern Europe
Richard Roberts, The history of anti-Trafficking efforts
Helga Konrad and Nadejda Marques, The European perspective on international cooperation
Cindy Liou and Annie Fukushima, Shortcomings of the current anti-trafficking model
Helen Stacy, Contemporary research needs
In addition to the sessions in which these papers will be workshopped, there will be two additional presentations open to the public.
First, at 9:00AM, David Batstone, director and co-founder of the Not for Sale Campaign will speak about his work.
At 12:00 noon, Congresswoman Jackie Speier (D., CA) will speak about anti-trafficking efforts in California and in the United States Congress.