Post-Conflict International Human Rights: Bright Spots, Shadows, Dilemmas
Post-Conflict International Human Rights: Bright Spots, Shadows, Dilemmas
Thursday, April 22, 20104:00 PM - 5:30 PM (Pacific)
Zalaquett is a Chilean lawyer and legal scholar known for his work
defending human rights in Chile during the regime of General Pinochet.
During Chile's transition to democracy, he served on the National Truth
and Reconciliation Commission where he investigated and prosecuted
human rights violations committed by the military regime. He has served
as President of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and as
the head of the International Executive Committee of Amnesty
International. He currently co-directs the Human Rights Centre at the
University of Chile, serves on the board of the International Centre
for Transitional Justice, and is a member of the International
Commission of Jurists. He has been awarded UNESCO's Prize for Human
Rights Education and Chile's National Prize for Humanities and Social
Video recording of the event is available here.
Event co-sponsored by the Stanford International Law Society, Departments of English, History, and Comparative Literature; the Program in Modern Thought and Literature; the Center for African Studies; the Stanford Humanities Center; and the Center for South Asia
Memory, and Reconciliation is sponsored by the Research Unit in the
Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages at Stanford