Managing the Risk of Pandemic Influenza Amidst Weak Government Institutions

Managing the Risk of Pandemic Influenza Amidst Weak Government Institutions

Thursday, January 10, 2013
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
CISAC Conference Room
Bangladesh is one of the highest risk settings for emergence of new strains of influenza. Some of these strains could infect humans and spread globally causing widespread human mortality. The government of Bangladesh has made genuine efforts to reduce this risk, but these efforts are constrained by the limited capacity of government institutions to affect the situations and behaviors that generate this ongoing risk.
Speaker Bio:

Dr. Luby comes to us from the International Center for Diarrheal Diseases and Research, Bangladesh (ICDDR, B) after serving as the research director there for the past eight years in a shared position with CDC.  Prior to this position, he taught at the Aga Khan University in Pakistan. He will be leading our research efforts within CIGH and we are looking forward to his start in September 2012.