First Annual Stanford Social Entrepreneurship Exchange

First Annual Stanford Social Entrepreneurship Exchange

Thursday, November 8, 2012
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Obendorf Hall, Zambrano Building - 3rd floor Knight Management Center, Stanford Graduate School of Business

First Annual Stanford Social Entrepreneurship Exchange

This event welcomes undergrads and graduate students across campus --- from those who are just learning about social entrepreneurship to those who are ready to launch a social venture tomorrow, and everyone in between!

So, What is Social Entrepreneurship? 
Hear it from Greg Dees, the man who defined it and is often described as the “father of social entrepreneurship”· They did it! Why not You? 
Success stories by alumni social entrepreneurs

Pitch for Good! 
What makes a good pitch? JD Schramm, faculty director of the Stanford GSB Communications Initiative, has the inside story · Social Entrepreneurship Open House 
Discover resources from relevant Stanford departments, centers, programs, and student groups

Stanford Venture Studio Tour 
Could this be the first home of your new venture? Find out from the Stanford GSB Center for Entrepreneurial Studies.

Free food and drinks for all!


For more questions, please contact: Allen Thayer

Co-Sponsored by: 
Business Association of Stanford Entrepreneurial Students (BASES) 
Center for Entrepreneurial Studies, Graduate School of Business 
Center for Innovation in Public Healthcare 
Center for Social Innovation, Graduate School of Business 
Food and Agriculture Resource Management Club, Graduate School of Business 
John S. Knight Journalism Fellowships 
Office of Technology Licensing 
PACS (Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society) 
Program in Healthcare Innovation, Graduate School of Business 
Program on Social Entrepreneurship, Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law 
Social E-Capital 
Social Innovation Club, Graduate School of Business 
Stanford Entrepreneurship Network 
Stanford Social Innovation Review 
Sustainable Business Club, Graduate School of Business