Electoral Integrity, Violence and Vote-Buying
Electoral Integrity, Violence and Vote-Buying
Friday, April 12, 201312:00 AM - 12:00 AM (Pacific)
This two day workshop will bring together scholars whose research actively engages problems of electoral irregularities. Irregularities range from high levels of pre-election violence to electoral fraud to vote-buying and patronage. All these tactics potentially affect the outcomes of elections and all disempower citizens in their attempts to have their voices heard in the polity. On the whole, scholars who have concentrated on understanding patronage and clientelism have not interacted with those working on electoral fraud, and neither group has talked at great length to those expert in electoral violence. This workshop will bring together scholars with specific expertise in each of these topics in order to establish a new dialogue across expertise.
Agenda (subject to change):
Day One: April 12, 2013
8:30-9:00 am Breakfast
9:00-9:10 am—Welcoming Remarks Beatriz Magaloni, Stanford University; Miriam Golden, UCLA
9:10-10:30 am—Panel 1: Electoral Fraud, Integrity, and Violence (1)
- Karen Ferree, UCSD: “Violating the Secret Ballot: The Political Logic of Fraud in Ghana’s 2008 Elections”
- James Long, Harvard University: “Scalable Information and Communications Technology Reduces Electoral Fraud in Fragile Democracies”
- Discussant: Miriam Golden, UCLA
10:30-10:45 am Break
10:45-12:10 pm—Panel 2: Electoral Fraud, Integrity, and Violence (2)
- Isabela Mares, Columbia University: “The supply of electoral intimidation: Evidence from Imperial Germany”
- Eric Kramon and Miriam Golden: “Electoral Violence and Fraud in the 2012 Ghanaian Elections: Polling Station Results”
- Discussant: James Fearon, Stanford University
12:10-2:00 pm Lunch
2:00-3:25 pm—Panel 3: Electoral Fraud, Integrity, and Violence (3)
- George Ofosu, UCLA: “Transitional Multiparty Elections: Do Military Regimes Perform Better at Promoting Fair Elections?”
- Joseph Asunka, UCLA: “Electoral investment through formal institutions”
- Discussant: Beatriz Magaloni, Stanford University
3:25-3:40 pm Break
3:40-5:00 pm—Panel 4: Clientelism
- Mike Callen, UCSD, and Saad Gulzar, NYU: “Clientelism and Health Worker Absence: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Pakistan”
- Nahomi Ichino, Harvard: “Crossing the Line: Local Ethnic Geography and Voting in Ghana”
- Discussant: Barbara Geddes
Day Two: April 13, 2013
9:00-9:30 am Breakfast
9:30-11:00 am—Panel 5: Clientelism and Vote Buying
- Sarah Brierley, UCLA: “Buying votes or buying time? Gift giving as an extension of the political party network in Ghana”
- Simeon Nichter, UCSD: “Voter Buying: Shaping the Electorate through Clientelism”
- Discussant: Fred Finan, University of California, Berkeley
11:00-11:15 am Break
11:15-11:45 am—Concluding Session and Discussion