Thwarting the Specter of Russian Fascism

Far fetched? Of course. Unlikely? Yes. Impossible? No. The chances of

fascist dictators seizing power in Russia are still slight. In a Las Vegas

casino, the odds would still firmly be with Boris Yeltsin.1 Yet, the specter

of Russian dictatorship is real and growing at a frightening pace.

Meanwhile, American engagement, and Western involvement more

generally, has come under sharp criticism by both Russian nationalists and

even Russian liberals who vested their political careers on their ability to

deliver Western assistance. Despite nationalist resurgence in Russia and

Western neglect, the reform process will still probably survive albeit

amended to deal with these new circumstances. If reforms turn sour,

however, the West will have missed the most important opportunity for

promoting democracy and insuring world peace of this century. The

Clinton campaign correctly made the analogy between the Bush

administration winning the Cold War and the rooster calling the sun to

rise. However, if the sun sets during the Clinton administration, they will

still be blamed for loosing the peace.